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4/18/2008 7:42:19 PM
Others - Suffer My Love E.P. - Free Download!!!

4/18/2008 7:40:45 PM
"Garden of Rage" Available!!

4/18/2008 7:34:37 PM
7 Song E.P. Available once more!!

3/29/2008 10:44:52 AM
Others - Broken Vessels DVD Available Now!!

3/29/2008 10:42:25 AM
Broken Vesses CD Available

3/29/2008 10:13:30 AM
Others - Gothic Horror Metal From Binghamton NY


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3/29/2008 10:42:25 AM ---- Updated 3/29/2008 10:43:28 AM

Broken Vesses CD Available
Broken Vessels CD Available!!

Click here to get it NOW!! --> http://www.createspace.com/1716603 <--


Broken Vessels
Horror Of It All Music
Reviewed by: Josh Haney
Copyright 2007

Being a band and creating a concept/soundtrack album is never an easy thing. Add to this task losing your longtime vocalist, which means becoming a trio, and most bands would just opt to throw in the shroud and call it an evening. But Mark Dickinson has never been one to let little things, much less fairly large hurdles, get in his way. And with the release of Broken Vessels, he takes the melancholic brand of gothic horror metal he created years ago into a new incarnation. Different, but with a dread sense of déjà vu; like walking into a funeral parlor and seeing yourself in the casket, just for one brief second. Sure, you know one day it's bound to be your turn, but just not today.

With a running time of only nineteen minutes, Others pull no punches on this release. From the opening track Whispering Winds, which comes across like a lightning rod falling off of a church steeple and plunging straight through your body, to the title track, which virtually bleeds out of your speakers, this album is tight as a noose. Mark even hands over lyrical duties (no small feat when you've got a talent for prose like his) on one of the songs, utilizing the amazing poetry of Troy Usher (a man whose dark verses are the stuff most black metal bands wish they could write) for the track Murder, Pain, and Farewells. This melding of macabre minds is enough to send weaker listeners over the edge and into a nice padded room with Thorazine cocktails every hour on the hour. One of the true highlights, Brilliant Reflections, is like a psychic surgeon slowly reaching through your flesh, into your chest, and showing you your own inner workings. Simply wonderful!

But that's just the beginning of this album. Also included here is the incidental music from the film; creepy orchestral pieces that make the flesh crawl and the goose bumps appear. Honestly, is there anything these guys can't do? There aren't many bands these days, if ever, that can make the transition on the same album from driving dark rock to haunting symphonic brilliance (Cradle Of Filth is the only one that immediately comes to mind).

While these tracks create the perfect film in your minds eye, you won't have to wait to long for the real thing. Others are going to be releasing the actual film (directed by none other than Mark Dickinson himself) very soon. So get a hold of this disc quick; then you can compare your vision of Broken Vessels to the bands vision. My bet on whose is scarier…well, I've been Mark's friend for years now, and I wouldn't want to share nightmares with him!

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