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4/18/2008 7:42:19 PM
Others - Suffer My Love E.P. - Free Download!!!

4/18/2008 7:40:45 PM
"Garden of Rage" Available!!

4/18/2008 7:34:37 PM
7 Song E.P. Available once more!!

3/29/2008 10:44:52 AM
Others - Broken Vessels DVD Available Now!!

3/29/2008 10:42:25 AM
Broken Vesses CD Available

3/29/2008 10:13:30 AM
Others - Gothic Horror Metal From Binghamton NY


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3/29/2008 10:44:52 AM

Others - Broken Vessels DVD Available Now!!
Others - Broken Vessels DVD

Get it here --> http://www.createspace.com/243050

DVD featuring a short film (Broken Vessels), videos, live performance and behind the scenes footage from the gothic horror metal band "Others". The band hails from Binghamton NY, home of Rod Serling and the inspiration of his series, "The Twilight Zone". The movie, "Broken Vessels" is a silent film and tells the tale of four friends that decide to investigate strange happenings at an old military base and the unfortunate events that await them. The movie is built around the album (of the same title), with an original score by Mark Dickinson. It is along the lines of a concept video featuring band performances within the story line.

DVD Includes:
* Broken Vessels (The Movie)
* Murder, Pain & Farewells Video
* Brilliant Reflections Video
* The Key (In Studio) Video
* Live from Magic City Music Hall (Full Set)
* Behind the Screams
The making of the album
Mis-Kills & Outbreaks
Photo Kills
* Plus bonus videos!!

Over 114 mins of Music!!



Broken Vessels-The Movie

Horror Of It All Music


Reviewed by: Josh Haney

Copyright 2007

So, what would a silent film look like in the 21st century? What would it sound like? Would it be as scary as it was at the turn of the last century? If you said no to this last question, you obviously haven't seen this little drop of virginal blood.

Others, Binghamton, New York's undisputed kings of gothic horror metal, have created the ultimate visual adaptation of their newest foray into madness, Broken Vessels. The album, written once again by master wordsmith Mark Dickinson, deals with the usual subject matter that Others are famous for; despair, loneliness, fear, terror. But the addition of a long form video adds to this already heady mix to create the ultimate representation of what they are truly all about. Believe me, I understand, when you say that a concept video/album isn't your cup of tea. Some have been really good (The Wall, for example) and others have been abysmal pieces of shit. But living and breathing horror, as Mark and his crew of ghouls do, allows them the knowledge of what will truly work within the confines of the "soundtrack" they have created.

The film, done in sepia tones, complete with letter-boards so you can read what the characters are saying and scratched film stock, starts out with four friends going to visit a location well know for it's disturbing past. Upon reaching the appointed destination, strange events begin to occur than draw the four into the history and mystery of this urban legend. Scenes flow into each other using the albums tracks as rails for this out of control roller coaster ride to Hell. With a running time of slightly under twenty minutes, this is one mindbender of a film that's grabs the jugular and tears right into it. And since this gem was written and directed by Mr. Dickinson, you know for a fact that the band is showing the audience exactly what they wanted them to see.

The filmmaking is outstanding, considering this is a completely independent project. You are truly sucked into the feeling of what it must have been like to attend Nosferatu or The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari for the first time. An atmosphere is created within this short span of time that major studios can't create by throwing millions of dollars at the screen.

As for the technical side of the project, the DVD is chock full of documentaries detailing the filmmaking process, album recording, and other integral industry tidbits. For fans of the band, or those whom Broken Vessels serves as an introduction, there are videos from previous albums and a live performance.

If your ready for an audiovisual experience that won't soon be forgotten, than Broken Vessels is your ticket to a re-imagining of silent era horror!

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