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3rd Sun
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4/21/2008 1:35:08 PM
Rock Vet


Basic (free) Member


3rd Sun

4/21/2008 1:35:08 PM

Rock Vet
Reared on a 200 acre spread in rural N. Tennessee very near KY. My age now being , 55, has given me lots of insight into almost everything. When I was a kid, we milked cows, raised chickens, hogs, cattle and basically lived off the land. I have my life story in a song, but not on here ... yet. Some refer to me as a blues picker. I don't have the blues, but at least I've aquired a name for myself in the area. My first electric instrument was electric bass playing along with CCR, Deep Purple, etc. I didn't know Hendirx tuned a half step down and was really confused trying to learn his magic. But finally, it hit me like a ton of bricks! I don't tune down but it would probably help hit some high notes, vocally, but the 'run of the mill' local yocals I have to pick with can hardly tune a guitar ( there are exceptions ). I'm a guitar mechanic. I set up my own guitars, bass & Stratocasters to 'fit' me. I was born with the gift of music & most all it encompasses. I don't have perfect pitch, but in a silent room, I can tune a guitar within 10 cycles of A=440 cps. I don't play out of tune, nor will I let anyone I pick with play out of tune. I'll tune their guitar for them happily just to sound correct. As a matter of fact, I make it my job to tune everybody's guitar if they will let me.
I am a sports car mechanic. Jaguar XK-E's being my favorites. I have driven a few Ferraris and ...WOW!
My first 'paying' gig was with a burlesque show that roamed the southeast with a carnival. We played 4 weeks each season and played 2 seasons ( years ). I met some very interesting characters working with a carnival! Don't believe me? Go join one! Later, that particular band added an older/mature singer, his younger brother ( 15 years old ) who played an old 'Tele'. I bet he wishes he had that 'Tele' now! Also, there was a Hammond B-3 'backbreaker' keyboard w/Leslie. We bought a '63 Cadillac hearse, customized the interior to carry 3 passengers/groupies/roadies along with the 6 members of the band. Oh, almost forgot, the hearse was BLACK. We pulled a U-Haul trailor with our gear. That was the beginning of a long journey in the music 'biz' I'll not soon forget. In '77 & 78 a newer band played in Myrtle Beach, S.C. during tourist season at 'The Keg', just a few doors down from the band 'Alabama' who were unheard of then. They played 'The Bowery'. Many times as I walked to work at The Key, stuck my head in and saw 'Alabama' play & sing. Total country as far as I can remember. We played Strats & Les Pauls through 100W Marshall stacks. Marshall is the best amp money can buy, period. There's much more ... like a letter from Mr. James A. Hendrix, etc.

Thanks for reading my trip down memory lane. Mack

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