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Chandra Moon
2/18/2011 7:30:30 AM
Back From Africa
We're just back from our African travels after receiving tragic news from home that one of Peter's nieces had been killed in a car crash. We weren't due to return till February 22nd but were able to get a flight a couple of days ago to get to yesterday's funeral in Matlock. It was so sad, she was under 30 years old and had three little girls. Life is strange indeed and I don't want to go into the circumstances here but at least we made it to support the family and so Peter could be there with his close family.
Africa was just amazing as usual. Firstly we helped at the Dombondir Festival in the Casamance area of Senegal where we're not supposed to travel due to political unrest. It always strikes me as incredibly peaceful as no-one goes there and the festival was just fantastic. I've put up loads of photos on Facebook here:
Dombondir Festival
With only a couple of weeks to go after Dombondir we set to work on Kartong Festival. We've been desperately trying to get the local people to take on more of the organisation for the last couple of years and this is very hard work too! This year though there was more local participation plus we had about 12 unexpected volunteers from Brufut where they were helping with a school project. They'd come from Poland, Spain, Uk and more so that was brilliant. The festival was a great success but I didn't really see any of it as I was behind the scenes in the festival office 99% of the time but the bit I did see looked great.
Sadly we had to return the day after the festival so I was completely exhausted and the day we got back I ate something which didn't agree with me and spent a whole night being extremely ill so felt diabolical at the funeral. I've woken up this morning finally feeling a bit more like myself and am actually looking forward to breakfast to eat the first solid food in two days!

Loads more great photos at this link:
Kartong Festival Photos Courtesy Tim from Jole Riders

2/18/2011 3:12:44 PM
---- Updated 2/18/2011 3:15:12 PM
oh chandra...i am so sorry for the family loss, I hope peter is doing ok. much love and blessing to the both of you.
not that it helps much but who knows..have him listen to my new trax "Afterlife" i wrote it about the place we go to after this world. may it lift his spirits and help him realize that the person he lost is not gone but just in a better place.

Chandra Moon
2/20/2011 5:45:26 AM
Thanks so much - we appreciate it. x

Tom O'Brien
2/20/2011 12:21:34 PM
Yes, life is a mysterious pot of tragedy and wonder. We all want to think we will live forever, but the death of one so young always shows us that we really need to live in the now, and make the best of what we have. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to see so much life at the festivals.

Chandra Moon
2/20/2011 12:53:28 PM
Thanks Tom - it was good to get back and find IAC working again! x

Walker Broad
2/21/2011 10:21:04 AM
It sounds like a real roller coaster time for you! Glad you seem to be getting through it with a great mix of sadness and celebration.
Wishing you peace and healing.
Sandy and Andy

Chandra Moon
2/21/2011 1:16:24 PM
Thanks I'm feeling much more positive and well today! x

2/21/2011 2:16:31 PM
Welcome back Chandra
Kia Kaha (stand tall)
aroha (love)

2/23/2011 9:31:18 AM
Sorry for your recent loss. Welcome back!

Chandra Moon
2/24/2011 6:58:10 AM
Thanks everyone! We're feeling better now and just feeling so much for everyone in Christchurch and the Middle East at this troubled time.

Conversation Suicide
2/25/2011 12:38:20 AM

Chris Hance
2/25/2011 4:54:28 AM
Hi Chandra, I hope your tears are soon replaced by the fond memories.

Chandra Moon
2/25/2011 5:08:53 AM
thanks so much everyone - your kind thoughts mean a lot. We're getting back to more normal now and I'm starting again to think about recording my second album after a long break......
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