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Chandra Moon
3/29/2011 5:00:34 AM
---- Updated 3/30/2011 4:42:32 AM
Raw Acoustic Version of New Song
Well I've recorded an extremely rough version of my new song Through The Fingers Of Your Hands to get it out of my system and into the world!
You'll have to imagine the gorgeous guitar solo in the instrumental break haha!!
>Through The Fingers Of Your Hands

Tom O'Brien
3/31/2011 1:44:20 PM
A haunting, poignant song. Can't wait to hear a polished version, but this is a good bit of songwriting. A few cliches, but they serve the song well.

4/1/2011 10:57:37 AM
Another really cool song from you Chandra. I am impressed with you lyric writing it style. It leaves room for the listeners own interpretation where as my style is usually direct and in your face. I love what you do because it is patently "You". Perfectly expressive! Openly vulnerable! Real!
Much Respect,

Chandra Moon
4/1/2011 11:28:57 AM
Thanks so much for your comments! I'm going to record it better soon but not changing the lyrics just re-jigging a bit - I'm pretty happy with how the song came out - it was one of those that kind of "chanelled" through if you know what I mean - over a few days, almost in my sleep. Waking up with the words and tune and then having to work out how to play it! I always get the words and tune in my head first before picking up an instrument. Very weird but it seems to work for me.

Chandra Moon
4/4/2011 4:35:51 AM
Thanks for your feedback guys - I've added a bit more melody as you suggested Tom to the middle section and trimmed and tweaked a little bit. I've also changed to my steel guitar instead of my nylon and I think it works better.
Eventually I'll studio record it but it's developing gradually.
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