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Chandra Moon
11/2/2011 5:54:25 AM
How to Update the Player
I've got a new version of a song up Through The Fingers Of Your Hand but my players are still playing the old version even though I've updated and re-exported the player.
What am I doing wrong?

Richard Scotti
11/2/2011 8:15:49 AM
Have you gone to the Edit/Update Song feature on your artist page, and replaced the old version with the new version of that individual song by choosing a new file?
This should automatically update that song wherever it is played.

Chandra Moon
11/2/2011 11:27:05 AM
Yes I have - the one with the Indian instrument in it. It plays on my page but not on any of my exported players....

11/2/2011 11:31:44 AM
I have this problem also. I am not sure of what the solution is as I have updated the song twice but it still plays the old version in the player. But the version on my page plays the new version. Seems to be a new problem as I have updated many songs before without experiencing this issue. ???

Chandra Moon
11/2/2011 11:44:51 AM
I've sussed it out. You have to go to the re-order song page and update there as well and it sorts it out!

11/2/2011 5:44:08 PM
Excellent sussing Chandra! That fixed it for me to. Thanks!

Richard Scotti
11/2/2011 8:42:55 PM
---- Updated 11/3/2011 12:02:35 PM
Stoneman and Chandra ~ Perhaps you know the answer to this question:
When you update a song on your own page (replace a song with a new version) does it automatically play the new version on all the radio stations where that song is? or does the station manager have re-add the new version to the station? I've gotten conflicting answers on this in the past.

Chandra Moon
11/3/2011 9:20:14 AM
No it doesn't automatically until you also go to the "change song order" bit of song editing page and press "update" then it plays the new one on all players.

11/3/2011 6:26:43 PM
Uh, yeah, what she said.......Thanks again Chandra!
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