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Chandra Moon
12/1/2011 8:56:13 AM
Female Artists
I was looking through the new songs to add to Over The Moon and there seems to be a real downturn in the number of tracks by female artists.
I really like to have more of a balance of music on my stations - come on girls - let's get recording!

Shoe City Sound
12/2/2011 3:09:00 PM
Just getting some stuff updated on the studio software and then I have some ideas - hopefully they'll be Over The Moon worthy. How's your recording coming along?

Chandra Moon
12/3/2011 8:10:06 AM
Thanks! It's going really well and still on track for some time in 2012. Some tracks nearly finished - others waiting for various input from other musicians but really enjoying it - I love being in the studio!
Look forward to hearing your new stuff!

Nadia Cripps
12/7/2011 5:38:27 AM
Beautiful idea! Good luck to You and everyone with the projects! My new compositions are on Soundclick since I can only upload two compositions for my free account. If you get a chance to listen/comment I'd be delighted. Some of the compositions are also available for purchasing. Hope eveyone is having a good time. Christmas is coming!!!

Chandra Moon
12/7/2011 2:39:44 PM
I had a listen - you have a lovely voice and piano playing. Good luck with all your music projects.

Nadia Cripps
12/13/2011 5:06:24 AM
Thank you Chandra, I'm afraid my voice is not lovely although I wish it was... I only dare to post my playing though. My poor collaborators know how I sing lol.
Thank you for your support :))

Conversation Suicide
12/17/2011 2:37:24 PM
LONG LIVE the AMAZING female artists on IAC !~!!!!!!
You GO gurrrlzzz !

Chandra Moon
12/18/2011 2:14:57 AM
Thanks! x
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