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Chandra Moon
4/4/2012 9:07:23 AM
Trust Me - Unmixed Track from New Album
I thought you'd be interested in hearing one of the unmixed tracks I've been working on in the studio for the new album - I may make this the title track as it's one of the first songs I ever wrote but I didn't think it was good enough for the first album but I'm loving playing it again now.
I hope you like it although it's a very simple song about disappointed love.
Trust Me

Shoe City Sound
4/4/2012 7:04:07 PM
Oh this is a great track, Chandra - I like it on a bunch of levels not the least of which are the harmonies vocal and instrumental - they put a 3-D sort of spin on the words ... funny about revisiting tunes written early on, I've been doing that myself lately.

4/6/2012 1:01:25 PM
Great song with excellent lyrics. I think we all have been there before. People often let you down. This is what good songwriting is all about. Bringing to life feelings and emotions that are to speak put loud.
Much Respect,

Chandra Moon
4/6/2012 1:08:49 PM
Thanks guys - it means a lot!

Richard Scotti
4/7/2012 5:58:17 PM
Beautifully atmospheric ~ like actually being on a beach! Amazing vocals, especially on the chorus. Everything comes together just the way it should on a song like this.
Good job all around.

Chandra Moon
4/8/2012 4:12:23 AM
Thanks Richard - so glad you like it! Lyric wise it was my first song and I thought the words too simple at first but I'm enjoying it myself now and Richard Bloom (my producer) has done just what I wanted with it - we work very closely together on everything as I'm lucky in knowing exactly what I want on every track and he's patient enough to sit through the time it takes to get it how I want!

Richard Scotti
4/8/2012 4:50:45 PM
Don't be concerned about words being "too simple". Simplicity and complexity are in the eye (and the ear) of the beholder. As long as words are honest and sung with true emotion set to a musical backdrop that serves the 'big picture" then the words do not not have to have tons of levels of meanings. Sometimes one meaning is enough and sometimes the emotionality creates it's own kind of complexity. if the words sound true, (and they do) you've done your job.
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