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Chandra Moon
5/18/2012 4:54:59 AM
---- Updated 5/18/2012 4:56:00 AM
Rain, Rain It Poureth Down!
In 2007, here in the UK we had a series of terrible floods including one where a police-officer got swept to his death from a collapsing bridge into the river. The same year there were unseasonable floods in East Africa.
Meanwhile, at a drumming festival I'd over-heard a very catchy djembe drum tune from West Africa which just wouldn't go out of my head and I managed to write a tune as a picked guitar part - it's a weird rhythm which goes 4, 4, 3 (7/8 time signature) but because it's in triplets it's very folky and sounds more 12/8 ish!
Anyway - the words came to me and fitted the tune and voila you have a folky song about the rain sounding very cheery but with a serious undertone.
I was lucky to recruit my friend Jo May to play the bodhran and real bone spoons on the track along with my usual musical partner Paddy on the fiddles.
See what you think - it's completely different than my usual work! I don't seem to write things of a particular genre - I have a blues track and a reggae track nearly ready to upload as well.
Rain, Rain It Poureth Down
By the way - where are all the bloggers gone - I feel like I'm hogging the place......

Chandra Moon
5/23/2012 1:37:27 AM
Wow thanks to whoever for adding this track to the KIAC Hitline I'm really stoked about that and the last track I'd have expected as it's such a folky tune. But it does feature some excellent musicians on bodhran, bones and fiddle!

Shoe City Sound
5/23/2012 4:39:34 AM
Yeah, saw that, Chandra - congrats!

Keith Monacchio
5/23/2012 7:01:56 AM
Awesome Chandra!!!

5/23/2012 9:45:07 AM
Big congrats Chandra. It is well deserved recognition of your exceptional music!

Richard Scotti
5/23/2012 10:03:13 AM
---- Updated 5/23/2012 3:28:35 PM
Chandra ~ you've been quite the prolific one lately! I love this song and I hope it finds it's way into a movie someday because in general, your work is so evocative and visual. I wish there were more bloggers too but you should never feel that you are hogging the blogs. If everyone was as active as you, this would be an even better site but like the water that you often write about, participation seems to ebb and flow. As we approach memorial day and the start of summer, I think a lot of folks kinda slow down and get outdoors, away from their computers.
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