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Chandra Moon
7/11/2012 3:31:52 PM
Before You Were Born
Don't you find it's amazing that after sometimes a huge number of years, some experiences from the past suddenly come back from the dead as a song. This is one of those. I went through the usual intense druggy phase in the late 60s early 70s and fortunately survived it and this song is a legacy to those times.
The words came whilst I was attending a series of rapping workshops. Don't ask me to explain it all - it's complicated - but it's a tongue in cheek funny but true song which happened to come out as reggae!
I've never written another reggae track but this is great fun to play live - usually with a bass player and Paddy on the keys. Hope you enjoy it.
Before You Were Born

7/11/2012 11:21:48 PM
Oh my! Much respect mon! This is so authentically Reggae to its core. Chandra, its seems like there isn't anything that you can't do musically. I loved it!
Much Respect,

Chandra Moon
7/12/2012 1:57:50 AM
Thanks for your positive comment Stoneman - it means a lot! I don't seem to be able to stick to one genre as they just come as they come. My producer is very good at being able to help me get the final feel as I want it and we spend hours wrestling with it all till it's how I want it!

Shoe City Sound
7/12/2012 5:59:18 AM
Love it Chandra! You mention your producer and from all the songs you have posted lately it sounds like you have found such a great ensemble in general
- great lyrics on this too!

7/12/2012 6:42:08 PM
I understand what you are saying to the highest degree. The best thing about being an independent artist is that you have the time to allow the creative process to take you wherever it wants. There is no pressure to conform or cram due to contractual specifications. The freedom to produce whatever you feel whenever you feel it is priceless. Your gift comes freely and with true clarity.
Much Respect!
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