Richard Scotti
11/11/2012 8:05:01 AM
Well, it's somewhat subjective and many artists find that 10 is enough. I tend to favor 12 on my own records if the additional 2 songs are are as good as the others. If they aren't, they will be perceived as "filler" which I try to avoid. If I have 10 really good ones, but don't have another 2 that are in the same ballpark, I will wait until I've written another 2 that are good enough before putting out the CD. In general, 10 seems like not enough to justify the kind of prices that CD's are sold for these days but it's not of paramount importance. No critic will say "the 10 songs are great, but I wish there were two more". Dylan often puts out 10 song CDs and nobody complains but then again, he's Dylan.

Tom O'Brien
11/11/2012 9:37:24 AM
Hey Chandra,
I think that if you really feel like your ten tracks are quality tracks then that's what matters. Sometimes I listen to a good, short album and wish there was more, but that feeling is never one of feeling ripped off. You just have to give people a good musical experience - it doesn't matter how many songs you give them.

Voodoohead Productions
11/11/2012 9:47:10 AM
---- Updated 11/11/2012 10:00:46 AM
Chandra, its a personal choice obviously, 10 is fine , although 12 seems to be the average, but can range up to 20 tracks from my experience with dealing with artists cds that are sent to me although many are using soundcloud and places such as reverbnation these days for me to assess their music But let's face it, the need for cds is decreasing with the advent of itunes and other places where you can digitally release your album.
My advice is do short runs ( you can do as little as 50 and you dont waste money and get stuck with having them pile up) where you sell your wares at shows at festivals or to send to those who would rather have a cd sent to them
some like having that physical cd in their hot little hands
Very few artists and bands are really releasing cds in the same quantity as in the past, because there is really no need to. they avoid the cost of manufacturing large quantities becuase lets face, many have loads sitting in their basement that will never see the light of day
Other considerations
A lot of radio stations are downloading from the various digital entities out there such as radiosubmit. dmds airplaydirect and numerous other delivery services that provide tracks to djs music directors and radio stations. But some still prefer a cd , but with mailing costs and packaging ,why bother.
If you want the low down on what is going on in the industry these days check out the following reads by Bob Lefsetz, he is the guru of gurus in the wasteland of the current music industry and the many pitfalls musicians need to watch out for, and tells it how it really is. certainly there are lots of good books, online articles and magazines to subscribe to if one really wants to stay abreast with the changing landscape of the music industry as it pertains to artists like yourself and others
Again ,if it is just for recreational purposes and fun, thats cool, but if one is really serious about being in this trade for the long haul, arm yourself accordingly and immerse yourself in not just being a musician, but understanding and learning the business of music, something a lot of musicians performers entertainers dont do enough of.
If you would like to subscribe to the LefsetzLetter,
Visit the archive: at http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/
ps. if you want my opinion on things beyond this you can email me privately and I will give you some direction and consideration and any advice that might help, I cant spend an inordinate amount of time due to the fact I have others I am working with, but can assist you in a way that may be helping, you know of my addy and can reach me on FB as well. I also have an current article at Fb about how some places operate that is well worth evaluating. Again it is my personal opinion, but given the fact I deal as a professional in the business of promoting artists,I believe it is my duty to give my opinion in this biz about what goes on. I shoot from the hip and pull no punches and tell it how it is, even to the point of a number who dont like what i say.