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Chandra Moon
2/22/2013 2:58:38 AM
Video of Short Live Set
Here's a short video of me and Paddy Uglow performing at Electrosonica last Monday.
18-02-13 at Halo Chandra Moon by YourmusicProductions
Quite different from the polished recorded versions of course. I struggle with live performance but am gradually getting to enjoy it!!

Shoe City Sound
2/22/2013 8:43:53 AM
Doesn't look like you're struggling to me! I love hearing the tunes from the new cd live. You and Paddy are great in this video :)

Chandra Moon
2/22/2013 11:47:13 AM
Had to sit down because of ongoing busted knee - slowly improving from horribly torn ligaments!

Shoe City Sound
2/23/2013 8:16:57 AM
Oh I had no idea - that would make it tough! Glad you are mending.

Paddy Uglow
2/23/2013 2:52:54 PM
I'm going to indulge myself and share my set too, which preceded Chandra's above.
And you get Chandra's intro about hand driers too!
18-02-13 at Halo Paddy Uglow by YourmusicProductions

Chandra Moon
2/25/2013 5:21:25 AM
Nice one Paddy!

2/25/2013 9:40:45 AM
Great job Paddy and Chandra! Loved it!

Steve Ison
2/26/2013 4:50:58 AM
Really nice Chandra..Good live sound and performances here

Tom O'Brien
2/28/2013 10:02:01 AM
You two sound good together. I especially liked the Celtic feel of "Rain, Rain," with the recorder and harmony. It's hard to believe you've only been writing a short time. Thanks for sharing this set.

Chandra Moon
2/28/2013 2:40:41 PM
Thanks! Paddy and I have been playing together for quite a while now - he features a lot on my upcoming album and has been a great influence on it.
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