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Chandra Moon
7/31/2013 10:45:06 AM
Album Launch
At last I'm ready to launch my new album At The Healing Tree. I'll launch it physically at a small live gig in my hometown Bristol and online through CD baby soon.
Here's a link for anyone who's in Bristol or nearby on Oct 25th!
At The Healing Tree Album Launch


7/31/2013 12:24:57 PM
Big Congrats to you on this monumental accomplishment Chandra! Wishing you great success! You certainly deserve it!
Always The Greatest Respect,

Steve Ison
8/1/2013 4:27:06 AM
Well done Chandra-An acheivement to be proud of....Sorry i can't be there - but hope the launch goes really well for you
Post some pics or vid from the event ! :)

Hop On Pop
8/1/2013 4:57:51 AM
Congratulations, Chandra!

Richard Scotti
8/1/2013 5:01:18 PM
Great work, Chandra! I can appreciate all the time and effort that goes into designing
a CD package. It is what has been holding up the release of my CD. I just finished sending in the FTP files to Diskmakers and hopefully the package and copies will
arrive within two weeks. It was exhausting learning all the technical stuff with the templates and all. I remember when I used to just drop off a hard copy of a CD in NYC and they printed the picture and text on labels that they stuck onto the CD and "J" cards that went into jewel cases. Now it's a whole new ball game with EVERYTHING having to be done on line with special software. Seems like the days of doing business in person are long gone. Congrats on your CD and good luck with sales. I know you'll do well. Your music sells itself! BTW- how do put those pictures of your CD on the blogs. I'm so tech challenged!!!

Chandra Moon
8/5/2013 8:08:15 AM
I use Photobucket.com. You upload the photo you want to show to them then insert the HTML code for the photo into the blog and hey presto it's done.

Shoe City Sound
8/7/2013 10:57:00 AM
I know you will do great with this Chandra. Every single song on it is my favorite of the cd. Tons of good luck.

Chandra Moon
8/11/2013 4:27:36 AM
thanks so much - will let you know when it's on CD baby. The hard copies are now in process. Exciting!

8/11/2013 4:02:20 PM
A fine achievement Chandra, it is such a task to finish a project, yet so satisfying to look back at the journey!

Tom O'Brien
8/13/2013 10:08:49 AM
Looking forward to the new release, Chandra. The design looks great!
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