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Chandra Moon
9/21/2013 3:54:56 AM
iPhone and Android Compatability
Now that so many people use iPads, iPhones and iPads are there any plans to introduce players that work on these platforms.
There are so many brilliant music apps out there now such as Soundcloud etc where you can listen on your phone I'm worried that IAC will get left behind.

9/21/2013 11:49:44 AM
So true! I think someone asked this question before but I don't remember the response. Maybe it is a part of the improvements they are working on. Personally, I have two iphones but I never use them unless I am going on vacation or something like that. I am retired and I basically don't want anyone to have a electronic leash on me anymore. My wife retired from AT&T after 30 years and she is so anti-cellphone, ipad and iphones that it kind of rubbed off on me. But it would be cool to interact via my iphone when I am on vacation and you are right in that virtually all the other musicians websites have it already.

Brody Sheale
9/21/2013 12:25:46 PM
2 different times this site has worked on a project like you're asking about but it didn't get finished. It might happen sometime in the future but we're still in the middle of site fixes I spoke about before and that is not one of the items on the list at the present time.
It will probably be revisited at some point, but that's just a guess on my part.

Chandra Moon
9/22/2013 11:05:40 AM
I guess the issue is the player - I often listen to streamed music on my phone - Soundcloud, iTunes, Reverbnation etc all have players that work and with headphones you can listen anywhere rather than have to be sitting at a computer.
Never mind - plenty of good things about IAC too of course - will just have to make sure my stuff's up to date in other places too!

Steve White
9/23/2013 10:05:42 AM
Get the Puffin Web Browser from the Apple Apps. It works really well.
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