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Chandra Moon
11/4/2013 2:55:07 AM
---- Updated 11/4/2013 2:55:46 AM
Album Launch Oct 25th 2013
I had a really great evening to launch my new album At The Healing Tree. I had Paddy Uglow and Andrea Hernandez doing support sets then performed two sets of songs with the band I put together specially.
It was really good to play the tracks with the full backing of a band to do them more justice than when it's just me and my guitar! Everyone did brilliantly and it felt like a turning point. I sold a few albums and also it's now available as a hard copy on my website www.chandramoon.co.uk and also for download on CDbaby, iTunes and Amazon.
Here's a photo from the evening.

Next stage is to make some more videos and do some more live gigs and hopefully write some new songs!

Brody Sheale
11/4/2013 6:33:16 PM
Good luck with your new record!
Vincenzo Pandolfi
11/4/2013 8:52:51 PM
Good on you Chandra! Best of luck with the new album...

11/5/2013 4:09:16 PM
very much my taste!
We had a listen yesterday, to the samples ---most loved was the rain song, which we added more adds to come

Voodoohead Productions
11/5/2013 7:17:05 PM
congrats on your cd release Chandra, love the works and the cd rocks ,cheers

Chandra Moon
11/7/2013 12:03:28 AM
Thanks a lot guys! Starting on some new vids next week hopefully!

Shoe City Sound
11/12/2013 9:15:38 AM
Love The Healing Tree - as you know haha - can't wait to hear what you come up with next.
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