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Chandra Moon
4/15/2014 8:50:45 AM
---- Updated 4/15/2014 8:59:25 AM
Radio Airplay
Well don't shoot me down but I've uploaded my stuff to Radio Airplay. I've had tons of listens and new fans already. BUT (and it's a big but), there's no interaction with other musicians. You get to know how many plays every day, and who's listened if they're Facebook people you can thank them which is nice. There's links to iTunes and wherever your website or sales are. But nothing comparable to the lovely community here. Also, you have to buy plays in chunks rather than a joining fee like here. I've paid here for a perpetual account so can update tons of material. Over there, you can update unlimited songs but you have to pay for play credits after the first 100 plays. Could be expensive and pointless to be honest.
Of course, they have terrific backing as they're linked to CD baby.
Now I'll never leave IAC while it's still breathing but I have to have some idea of who's listening out there.
Please can we have some stats even if they're imperfect otherwise it just feels like no-ones listening here.......pretty please!

Brody Sheale
4/15/2014 10:55:56 AM
IAC admin heard from the main programmer as recently as last night. He said he is confident that the project will be completed very soon. To be honest, I'm not that confident myself - but I can say this, if it turns out like the blueprint that was sent to be worked on, artists on this site will have the most useful stats available that have ever been seen on an mp3 site.

Chandra Moon
4/15/2014 1:38:10 PM
Thanks for responding. Fingers still crossed then!

Richard Scotti
4/15/2014 3:54:01 PM
Every site has it's pros and cons. Garageband.com had some good ideas some of which involved a peer reviewing system facilitating many reviews of songs by fellow artists. I don't know how it worked but I heard good things about how the site made this happen. But alas, that site went under so apparently that review system didn't keep it alive but maybe it could work here as an adjunct to all the other great things about IAC.
Stats are important but that it isn't my main concern. I know it will get fixed soon. My pet peeve is just the lack of interaction among members here. Stats are a good gauge of a song's effectiveness but so are reviews. I enjoy reviewing and I enjoy being reviewed. It's a very creative process to hear the details of what people think of your song writing and your production. It inspires me in my approach to bring out my strengths and eliminate my weaknesses through what people tell me. I also love being supportive of other artists.
Apart from reviewing, it would be nice if people here just blogged more about music or any related topic and got a good conversation going with longer threads. I don't know how to fix the problem but I do know that "poachers" are knocking at my door
(e-mailing me) asking me to come over to their new music websites. I have no attention of joining to any other site but it does show that the competition is aware of
us and would love to attract artists away from IAC. I don't think we can afford to lose members - so anything that any of us (admin and members) can think of to keep IAC competitive should do so asap. People out there have been imitating our successful methods. It may be a form of flattery but it's also a threat to this site's existence if we get complacent and rest on our laurels.

Brody Sheale
4/15/2014 10:09:47 PM
One of the things that will make a difference is that after the relaunch, extensive efforts will be made to bring more folks to this site. However, to the individuals involved in doing this, it doesn't make much sense while we don't have working stats, so if we are able to turn the corner on that, a lot of other things should follow.

Chandra Moon
4/16/2014 1:16:01 AM
Yes I think the idea of reviewing each other's songs is great as long as it's constructive. The thing that really got me going songwriting in the first place was the support I got from a songwriting group where we listened to each other's songs, even in the early stages. Of course, one doesn't always want the "public" to hear half baked songs but having encouragement in the early stages can be incredibly helpful.
Maybe someone could start a new song station for people to offer feedback on the understanding they were unfinished efforts!! Maybe members only forum or something.
I so agree about the lack of interaction. Don't think I just want stats for stats sake it's just that when there are none at all it makes you feel NO-ONE's listening then you wonder if there's any point in uploading new material. I'm not stat focussed in general though it's a good guideline as to which songs are most popular or most enjoyed compared to others. It's often interesting that the songs you think are likely to be the most popular aren't and the ones you thought were less appealing actually get more plays!!
Anyway - the updates have been a long time coming and I wish I could do something to help rather than be griping but I am a paid up member and I do rely heavily on IAC so of course I want to see things going well here. I just love the sheer amount of brilliant music here and the support I get (and hopefully give) from the artists here.

4/16/2014 10:52:35 AM
Unfortunately, there are several issues that need to be addressed. One being the support line. You send them a note and it takes them forever to get back to you. Sometimes they don't get back at all. I have had an ongoing issue that not only has not been resolved but seems to be lingering in "we don't care" land. That leaves me very disappointed. I try to give them some slack but even the most avid supporters of the site (which I consider myself to be one) would get tired of the lack on communication and action on problems. Even if they were to send me a note saying sorry we can't fix it right now, I would be more inclined to give them a break about it. But ignoring my emails is rude and frustrating.
Eventually everything and everyone must die. This site seems to be on life support right now. I am very hopeful that there is a cure some day soon. I dread the thought of coming here one morning and finding that there is no logon anymore. I have been through that with many other sites in the past (MP3.Com, Tonos etc.). It is a very ominous thing to go through.

Steve White
4/16/2014 11:18:48 AM
Hi Chandra
I use Radio Airplay too but only the free plays they give you every week.
I don't see any reason to pay for people to have you listen, ya know what I mean?

4/16/2014 6:09:08 PM
Yep Richard, Chandra Stoneman Steve and all,
we also use the free radio airplay and several other free sites, it doesn't effect our efforts here!
I once asked iacsupport if we could have our "Legends of IAC logo" on our page and was fobbed off---I figure someone there hates us but that's life ( I guess)
I could say much more but my lips are sealed

Shoe City Sound
4/17/2014 11:52:18 AM
We have our tunes all over the place too, but, when it's up and running properly, I like IAC the best by far. Shoe City Sound doesn't have the history with IAC that you guys do, so can't speak to how it used to be, but I do hope things get organized soon.

Brody Sheale
4/17/2014 12:53:17 PM
Sorry about the situation with the support email. The new site has a dedicated support forum and we're waiting to open it til everything else is ready. In the meantime, send any support issues to me at this email and I'll do what I can to help you.
Silverwood Studio, I'll try to take care of that issue for you.

4/21/2014 1:26:28 AM
thanks--- that would be cool!
we just got back from a 4 gig/ set over 2 days at Easter on our West Coast Highway tour- feeling really hyped, happy
, y'know playing live is the best feeling imo
we played alongside some of NZs finest blues legends-----Rick Bryant from Rough Justice, Bill Lake from the Windy City Strugglers, Weave was there and we did one set together!

Chandra Moon
4/21/2014 8:50:06 AM
Wow Silverwood that sounds fantastic - good on you!

Tom O'Brien
4/21/2014 6:07:35 PM
Just wanted to chime in about what an incredible virtual musical world IAC is. Some of you have gotten to know me through my music and conversations here on the Pipeline. We all wonder about who really hears our music, but WE hear each other's music. I wish I had time to blog about every time I've followed a thread to some really great singer, or writer, or arrangement or whatever. Just that IAC makes it possible for ANYONE to dedicate three minutes of their time to consider something that came out of your head is a miracle.

4/21/2014 6:49:16 PM
I agree Tom--we are proud to be able to put great songs (like Yours) Richards, Chandra, Dolores, Stoneman, Bryon--- and heaps more on our niche stations, and then flick a link to our friends, all over the world!

Chandra Moon
4/22/2014 12:43:13 PM
I'm loving the new Serundal track on the Hitline. The Hag of Winter I think it's called. Wonderful.

Shoe City Sound
4/22/2014 3:15:46 PM
ooh second that, Chandra - The Hag of Winter, love this!

4/22/2014 8:30:32 PM
Thank you so much Brody for putting the "Legends of IAC" logo on our page!
I see it has disappeared already-----
What gives???

Brody Sheale
4/22/2014 10:11:34 PM
I just checked and it's still there, above the songs, maybe you looked in the wrong place because you have a lot of other things above it.

4/23/2014 2:50:18 PM
you're right, yes we are getting a bit cluttered
thank you again

4/23/2014 2:50:43 PM
you're right, yes we are getting a bit cluttered
thank you again

5/11/2014 10:08:01 AM
and of course a big plus of IAC are the stations! rock on 8-)

Chandra Moon
5/15/2014 4:55:40 AM
I see some stats have come back and very strange they are too! My least accomplished song has the most plays (an extremely rough version of a new song) so that's interesting! I better get on and do a decent recording of it ha ha!

5/18/2014 11:51:13 PM
Hi fellow musos,
So I just thought I'd say I'm looking at this screen from Port Vila,Vanuatu---------, on a business/ holiday trip, we got lost for few hours today, and rescued by couple young guys in a beat up panel van------never been to the tropics b4, it's a very amazing cultural experience here, the recent Chinese influence is huge---they have started building a huge convention centre over several blocks near Vila which looks like it won't be finished in the next 20 years, rubbish all around town and the streets are full of potholes, otherwise it's paradise----hard to get my head around it, over half the population are under 20, almost the opposite to NZ,
==== best wishes to all the fab artists at IAC!
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