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Chandra Moon
10/6/2015 4:25:00 AM
Over The Moon!!
Happy to see my station Over The Moon is doing well - the songs on there are my personal favourites - I regularly add new ones and archive old ones to Over The Moon Two. When I come across really chilled or ambient tracks I add them to my other gorgeous station Airspace.
At Over The Moon I favour really alternative music that isn't too whacky or harsh but has something different about it. I only add things there that are quite well produced. I never add tracks which have a spoken intro and rarely instrumentals - there are stations that specialise in instrumentals here anyway.
If new people haven't listened to these two stations - do head over there and enjoy. Feel free to make requests and I promise I'll listen and add things which fit in with my play list. Don't be offended when I don't add them - it may just be it doesn't work with the other tracks. I may add a comment on your artist page anyway!
Over The Moon
I'm off on my travels next week for about 5 weeks but hoping I'll still be able to listen over in Oz where I'm going!

Shoe City Sound
10/7/2015 8:08:06 PM
But you just got back from travels! haha Over the Moon and Airspace are wonderful stations ... are you kidding about Oz or is that a place?

Chandra Moon
10/8/2015 9:45:49 AM
Yup - we're off to Australia for 5 weeks next Friday - should have wifi but not much time! I have two sisters there and friends too so looking forward to it.
Thankfully she has a guitar so I can practice for our upcoming gig on Dec 9th while I'm away or I'd have to lug a guitar to the other side of the world which is always a risky business!

Bryon Tosoff
10/8/2015 10:01:41 AM
lucky you Chandra Never been to OZ, but have pitched a lot of blues artists over there to radio /djs , with much success, they are big on the blues genre, very supportive of every blues ,blues rock groups and artists I have promoted.
have fun!

Shoe City Sound
10/8/2015 10:28:35 AM
---- Updated 10/8/2015 10:30:54 AM
Oh God, am I so non-UK ugly American that I didn't know Oz means Australia? oh boy hahahahahahaha Have a great trip!
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