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Chandra Moon
1/19/2016 4:57:03 AM
Big big thank you!
I meant to say many thanks for nominating me as station manager of the year. Although I didn't win - the right person did in Bryon Tosoff who tirelessly supports new and old artists on his stations - I was amazed to even get a mention and I really appreciate it. And thanks to whoever nominated my very rough recording of Only You Know Who You are.
I thoroughly enjoy my two main stations Over The Moon and Airspace - both completely different. As I'm away a lot I'm quite inconsistent but I always really listen to the new music here and try to give positive comments. Over The Moon really focuses mainly on alternative music, I love the quirky - Airspace is my chillout, ambient and instrumental station which I listen to a lot at night.
I so enjoyed the Kayak show and felt the community spirit really coming back to life here and for that massive congratulations to everyone concerned - you did it!!! You really did it and I for one thought it was brilliant.
Cheers to you all!!!

Bryon Tosoff
1/19/2016 5:51:09 AM
You do a great job Chandra, your stations and management of them is top drawer, I really like the thoughtfulness of your comments and the careful approach to the choices you do make of the songs you add. Your stations are eclectic, unique and interesting. So being nominated as a station manager was to be expected. Your participation here at the pipeline is always special, given your insight, experiences ideas and clarity of thoughts. Thank you for your music and to all the station managers who give of their time to listen add and review songs. For me , it is amazing how good you all are. The caliber of music here is phenomenal
Cheers and best wishes to all for a successful 2016. BUILD MORE STATIONS EVERYONE and become a top notch enthusiastic station manager
good luck

Russ Roman
1/19/2016 6:26:12 AM
Thanks to both of you. The 2 of you and Steve April help carry the site with your stations.

Shoe City Sound
1/19/2016 7:21:18 AM
The biggest thanks in the world to you Chandra, Bryon, Richard Scotti, Steve April ... all the station managers!! The stations are great listening with every kind of music imaginable. A couple of times now I've written and covered a song specifically because of station managers sharing their ideas on the Pipeline about a new station they are creating. I'm grateful because otherwise, those tunes wouldn't exist. The comments to the artists are like rain falling in the desert haha. It means so very much to us. The stations make IMP the most valuable independent music site out there to the artists and the listeners. The station managers are the BEST.

Bryon Tosoff
1/19/2016 8:19:26 AM
---- Updated 1/19/2016 8:20:22 AM
Steve Ison too, great station manager ever read his reviews of songs, well crafted, thoughtful and so insightful, and his stations, he has quite a few, and he has the coolest images too
cheers and thanks to all who support I M P. keep doing it!

Shoe City Sound
1/19/2016 9:04:32 AM
Yes absolutely Steve Ison - couldn't agree more!

Two Silo Complex
1/19/2016 9:14:34 AM
Thank you for making this thread. I am just delighted that I was nominated and am also happy that the competition allowed the best song to win. Byron Echos was a great selection by the voters for him he deserves the win.
Thanks to all who participated in the golden kayaks from the voting, to the counting, to the show it was all fantastic. I know one thing the best song won in each category
Indy music people shows its artists have great taste I don't know how it could have turned out better.
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