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Chandra Moon
1/24/2016 3:56:51 AM
Off to Gambia
I'm off to Gambia to play flute with my lovely Kora playing friend Moriba - if I'm lucky I'll get some decent recordings to put up here - the music is something quite different than my own compostions and I enjoy very much improvising on flute to traditional African songs.
I've also got a real old banger of a guitar that I keep there and I've got a couple of songs brewing that I hope to work on while I'm over there too.
We're performing with our Sabar drumming group Jappo at the 10th Anniversary Kartong Festival as well which is incredibly exciting for me.
I can't make head or tail of the pipeline recently - people slagging each other off left, right and centre doesn't float my boat at all but whatever - hopefully putting something here about music isn't too boring for everybody!!!!!
See you late February.

1/24/2016 4:13:41 AM
This sounds wonderful Chandra, I don't even know where Gambia is but it sounds a long way away. Look forward to hearing the results of your work/fun

Richard Scotti
1/24/2016 5:14:40 AM
Chandra ~ you are our musical good will ambassador to the world. You represent the best in us and I wish you a safe and productive journey. The world is a better place because of people like you. Keep up the good work.

Bryon Tosoff
1/24/2016 9:22:18 AM
traveler extraordinaire, have fun Chandra

1/24/2016 9:42:23 AM
Have a safe and wonderful trip Chandra!
Be Blessed!

Shoe City Sound
1/24/2016 11:12:57 AM
Bon Voyage Chandra Moon :) and safe travels. I cannot wait to hear what you come up with for music while you're in Gambia - the atmosphere must be inspirational. Have fun
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