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Chandra Moon
6/29/2016 12:48:15 AM
---- Updated 6/29/2016 12:59:50 AM
Off on tour.
Tomorrow morning we set off with the Moon Palace (nickname for my camper van) on tour with our Senegalese drumming master Modou Diouf.
We'll be away on and off throughout the summer doing a series of Sabar drumming performances and workshops at various small festivals and events.
It's hard work lugging the heavy drums about but very rewarding performing and learning new rhythms.
I won't be focussing so much on my songwriting as we'll be so busy drumming but it's always inspiring anyway.
I'll try and keep in touch here depending on availability of 4g or wifi!
Love to everyone - Chandra

Father Time
6/29/2016 4:43:57 AM
Good luck! Have fun!

6/29/2016 5:42:48 AM
Sounds like you're a true hippy Chandra, I envy you in many ways but not having to share a van with a set of drums maybe. Good luck and enjoy yourself

Steve White
6/29/2016 6:24:52 AM
Have a great tour!

Hank Elroy
6/29/2016 8:24:39 AM
Well hello Chandra,
My name's Hank. Your tour sounds like a plumb doosey. Haulin' then drums is hard work yes sir'ee its true but afterwards the barkeep is usually handy with a brew or whatever suits ya.
Have a good tour.
Happy trails,
6/29/2016 8:27:23 AM
let me know if you hit NYC at some point, I'd venture out of the house to see you.
Well that's actually saying a lot where I'm concerned.
I go out but when I need to.
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