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Chandra Moon
9/12/2016 8:44:24 AM
Back from a great Summer on the road!
I'm back from an amazing tour round the UK with Modou Diouf our Senegalese Sabar teacher. We've done workshops all over the place and performed at three great venues with his UK drum band Jappo.
In between drumming and performing I've had a couple of gigs of my own material one at Bristol Balloon Fiesta in August and one the other day at a local community event.
I've got a new song brewing at last and feel ready to get going again!
I've also released a new video which I hope you enjoy which Paddy Uglow recorded and produced of my trippy song Before You Were Born!

Steve White
9/12/2016 9:06:15 AM
Really enjoyed that Chandra!
Nice job.

Two Silo Complex
9/12/2016 9:58:50 AM
It was great to see some of your summer adventures thanks for sharing your experience and sharing this.
Two Silo Complex,

Father Time
9/12/2016 11:11:50 PM
Nice work Chandra!

Marc Ceccotti
9/13/2016 2:34:17 AM
A probable source of inspiration for your next songs ;)

9/13/2016 4:06:10 PM
Well that was enjoyable... nicely done!

Chandra Moon
9/14/2016 5:14:50 AM
thanks it was huge fun making that video! We used a green screen at my home and went out and about in Bristol for other bits!

9/15/2016 12:42:26 AM
I always enjoy reading about your many travels Chandra. You are such a versatile artist. Welcome back and I am looking forward to hearing more of your music as it develops.
Much Respect,

Steve Ison
9/15/2016 11:39:49 AM
Glad you had such a lovely summer Chandra..I visited my ex in Cornwall and we played a few small gigs n did some busking which was nice
Your video is supa - colourful and alot of fun too. :)

Chandra Moon
9/19/2016 11:41:53 PM
Thanks! Have a new song written will put up a rough version soon!

Jim Pharis
9/21/2016 12:00:30 PM
Very enjoyable!

Chandra Moon
9/22/2016 3:12:58 AM
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