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Chandra Moon
9/4/2018 7:21:37 AM
---- Updated 9/4/2018 7:28:16 AM
Lance Williams - Xeno
Just letting you all know that our long term musical friend and IAC member Lance Williams has sadly passed away.
He'd had lung cancer which spread and I'd been in touch through his Facebook page.
His trance and electronica was brilliant and I enjoyed his chill out music.
Very sad loss - he was only early forties.
Bestest - Chandra
9/4/2018 7:34:13 AM
Sorry to hear. He was on this site for a long time.
RIP Xeno

Steve White
9/4/2018 11:57:34 AM
That is very sad.

Richard Scotti
9/4/2018 5:33:11 PM
There is a song of his on my Instrumentally Yours station called "Around The Sun"
that I added in 2011. I'll never take it down. Rest in peace, XENO.....

Chandra Moon
9/22/2018 9:37:14 AM
Yes so sad. What a repertoire he left behind.

Paul groover
9/24/2018 5:14:18 PM
I liked Xeno 71 very much his electronic stylings held top curry with me.

9/25/2018 11:37:09 PM
Oh my, so sad to hear this about Xeno. Damn.......He was quite a musicians and I liked a lot of his stuff. RIP!

Paul groover
9/27/2018 7:19:28 PM
On the subject of cancer. This is an interview with a doctor from England about cancer and the success of a medicine called GC Math in fighting cancer.
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