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Chandra Moon
6/2/2020 6:53:24 AM
Why is this still happening in USA and round the word!!?
People Of This Earth

Shoe City Sound
6/2/2020 9:37:22 AM
Don't know why these hateful energies are always obscuring the truth all these hundreds of years, but DO know why the beautiful energies of songs like this one are the total anecdote. What beautiful singing, Chandra :)

Bryon Tosoff
6/2/2020 2:27:31 PM
It is indeed a great song Dolores
As for the why and how come, it is more complicated then any of us can answer , so many conditions and variables enter into it. It is a systemic long standing issue that creates these situations, worldwide, not just the US, we have our problems and challenges in Canada, so does every country worldwide. Look a China and what is happening there, it is a troubling time right now, and seems to arise every generation or so.

Shoe City Sound
6/2/2020 7:53:05 PM
True, a miserably complicated history or is it .... maybe it's just all about one simple concept - greed, which I believe is born of paralyzing fear. And right now it seems obvious that you choose love or fear and live or die by either one of those.

Bryon Tosoff
6/2/2020 9:08:20 PM
This is its own pandemic of hate fear anger and frustration. Seems it is a world wide phenomena coupled with the covid 19, all the horrible things going on with starving sick children in countries throughout the world, we have a sick and seemingly dying world crumbling before us. I fear for the worst is to come and it is not too far off

Psyche's Muse
6/3/2020 2:11:40 PM
EVERY THING is BEing "LITTLED". Small minded people are the only ones being desired and sought after. And "Them thangs" ain't nuthin' but "Mole Hills"! And you'd BETTER NOT... "EVER"... make "them thangs" into "Mountains".. ever again! You got that? And then the teaching and training begins... "proving" that it is NEVER a "gain"(of any kind whatsoever) to search for any "mountain" within ANY "thing" which, by all "appearances"... "Seems to be" only a "mole-hill". Now, I understand that "most" people can comprehend the value of "turning mountain into molehill"... when the mountain is seen as an "obstacle/burden". But just as well can a "potential mountain" only be understood as being a "molehill"... through "training/education/coercion/etc."(i.e.-brainwashing). And this(supposed) "molehill" is truly capable of becoming a monumental, monstrous, momentous mound of magnificence... were we "allowed to" perceive it as such. The only thing missing here is "true vision". Our "education" and "belief system" is in drastic need of repair. We need to value the tiniest "point" again. This is that proverbial "chief cornerstone" which is so obviously the "Point" Of It All. Which way do we go? Look! There "IS" a "Finger"!!! Is it "Thumbs Up" or "The Bird"??? Well, I believe "it"... Is "Pointing"... something out? It wants you to leave?? Is it pointing AT you??? OMG! What IS the fucking point??? I don't know... just jabbering I guess... Later! -M- ??

6/3/2020 3:44:04 PM
---- Updated 6/3/2020 3:46:34 PM
Whoa Chandra. You surpassed yourself on this one. Amazing song with beautiful lyrics! Such a touching display of insight and love. We need more songs like this on airwaves where people can hear and be blessed. I always liked you Chandra. Now I know why! You Rock! Much Respect, Stoneman

Richard Scotti
6/3/2020 5:23:22 PM
---- Updated 6/3/2020 5:26:06 PM
Chandra - I’ve always loved your songs but this one is clearly your best work in terms of overall
composition, production, lyrics, vocals, everything! I love the folky guitar in the beginning and then you raise the song to another level when the drums and percussion kick in. Great song, great messages! Kudos to you and all involved.

Chandra Moon
6/3/2020 6:20:24 PM
---- Updated 6/3/2020 6:22:28 PM
Thanks so much. This is quite an old song. I wrote it when an ex boyfriend said something racist to me and I was so shocked. So I said to him how awful what he said was. He replied “I wouldn’t say it in front of anyone..”. “But, you said it in front of ME!” In other words he presumed all white people felt that way and it was ok behind closed doors. Well NO it isn’t alright. I was so angry and the song came out almost immediately. Needless to say he was Ex very fast.

6/3/2020 7:52:37 PM
Very Fairport Convention vibe...
Good message too...listen up..!
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