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Chandra Moon
11/8/2022 12:35:43 PM
Grown Up And Gone
Here's an unmixed recording of a song I wrote in 2016 about the feeling when your kids leave home - the empty nest feeling didn't last long - I was only in my early forties and it was after they left I started songwriting, travelling etc etc - but I still remember feeling rather empty and lost for a while when the second one flew the nest.
I recorded it in the studio I'm currently working in and they have a vintage Rhodes 1973 Piano there so I took advantage of it being there and I hope you like the result - such a distinctive sound!
Grown Up And Gone

11/8/2022 9:50:16 PM
Lovely melody, pointed and reflective lyrics! Awesome work! Much Respect, Stoneman

Desperado Revue
11/9/2022 5:56:50 AM
Sorry Chandra.
While others seem to be able to hear this, I can't,
I've tried many different search engines, and I still can't listen to it.
11/9/2022 8:57:02 AM
Norm, you need to clear your cache. If you don't know how to do that get with me.

Chandra Moon
11/9/2022 1:37:46 PM
Hi Norm - it's definitely there - you won't find it on any other sites as it's as yet unmixed and unreleased so it's only here at IMP.
From time to time I clear my cache as the computer remembers old lists and doesn't always update. You go to History and "clear the cache" - I hope you get to listen ok.

Bryon Tosoff
11/9/2022 2:43:41 PM
Real nice song Chandra, nice singing, tasty guitar and wonderful Rhodes going on

Desperado Revue
11/9/2022 2:46:33 PM
Added to 6 stations.

Chandra Moon
11/9/2022 5:40:29 PM
thanks Bryon - I feel so lucky having access to such a lovely instrument to enhance the song! X

11/9/2022 5:45:52 PM
Enjoyed that song Chandra - I also
remember that 'empty nest' feeling,
it took a whole week before a mate
explained that feeling to me, and I
realised what it was! Like the little
hint of harmonies, you should make
more of those, they really work!

Richard Scotti
11/11/2022 8:59:38 AM
I love the truthful way you express yourself through your music and lyrics. Your songs are like pages of a diary set to beautiful melodies
and earnest singing. You always take us on a journey to places and cultures we’ve never been to before. That’s your brand and it’s a very good one!

Chandra Moon
11/13/2022 10:53:41 AM
Thanks so much for your kind words - my lyrics are very simple in general but disguise a lot of in depth feelings - I like to think people can interpret things for themselves if I leave the words quite loose in general.
I just hope I write some new things soon - it's been ages ...

11/27/2022 8:01:58 PM

Psyche's Muse
11/29/2022 6:21:04 PM
You have such a heartwarming voice Chandra.

Chandra Moon
12/4/2022 4:05:01 PM
thank you!!
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