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Chandra Moon
12/13/2022 8:45:47 AM
Hi. I’ve actually managed to write (well re write) a new old song! I wrote the skeleton of this song back in 2005 and this last two weeks while I’ve had Covid I’ve completely re written and re arranged it on picked guitar and recorded this rough guide track this morning.
It will of course have a lot more done to it - a decent vocal for starters - but I wanted you to be the first to hear it in its raw form. I used he Rhodes piano again for some backing chords and worked out a nice original pick pattern. I hope you can see the potential in it and I look forward to finishing it in the studio in the new year.
Colder - Rough Guide Copy

Bryon Tosoff
12/13/2022 9:29:49 PM
I like this one a lot Chandra, added to Mystery radio
commented some about it, good one indeed

Chandra Moon
12/14/2022 3:35:10 AM
Thanks so much Bryon I’m so glad you like it! While I had Covid the guitar pick pattern came and really haunted me till I worked it out - not easy for me as I only play guitar by ear and don’t know the names of the chords or strings but it came so strong. I wrote the original version on piano (much more dreary and less interesting pattern) years ago. I couldn’t go out or leave my room so I just practiced and practiced till I found the notes that worked with the original melody. Then a new verse came to me - the one about the willow leaves weeping and hey presto! I went in the studio yesterday just to run it by Luke and we just did it on the spot on my guitar and the Rhodes. I might well keep this acoustic version and just do another vocal take. The friend who did the wonderful Spanish guitar work on Destiny is up for doing some work on the storm before the calm in the instrumental section. Anyway thanks again for your kind comments. It means a lot.

12/14/2022 10:13:35 AM
Love that guitar sound! Waiting to hear you polish this one. Good song!

Chandra Moon
12/14/2022 12:54:33 PM
Thanks - I'm so thrilled as I'd begun to think I'd never write another song it's been so long - that's why I've been recording the last of my unrecorded ones and putting them up here recently in the hope it would open the door and get through the barrier and it seems to be working as all sorts of melodies and ideas are floating round my head at last - I've got seven tracks nearly done now towards a third album plus a couple more lively songs that I've got rough versions of here yet to record properly - Sing A Song Of All Our Nations and Strip It Down - so nearly there!!

Bryon Tosoff
12/14/2022 3:47:45 PM
that's great you are working your chops Chandra, I have been in a funk ,hope things turn around
Lance has been dropping some great tunes and I see Francesca and many others bringing new songs too
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