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Chandra Moon
4/3/2023 2:30:56 PM
---- Updated 4/3/2023 2:32:19 PM
New Photo
Hi just testing if my new photo works here - it's not showing on my actual artist page.....I'll try uploading a new song later as well.. fingers crossed. Missed you all that's for sure....

Chandra Moon
4/3/2023 2:49:37 PM
Well I got half way uploading a new song as well as the photo which is a great step forward!! The photo worked - I've uploaded a brand new song I wanted to share with you and the lyrics and a picture are up but it doesn't play - it's rather a small mp3 as it's only a demo track so maybe it's just not a good enough recording but at least it's definite progress and it's lovely to be back. It's called Watch The Trees.
I'm so happy I've written a brand new song - I hope you like the lyrics even if you can't listen yet. I'll try again soon but that's as far as it would go so far....love Chandra
4/3/2023 3:32:15 PM
Chandra, nice pic! If you email me that mp3 at indiemusicpeople2 at gmail I'll give it a try to see if it will play for me.

Richard Scotti
4/3/2023 4:58:05 PM
Excellent pic, Chandra! Eager to hear your new song when it plays.

Lars Mars
4/4/2023 5:19:09 PM
Yes, nice pic. It shows on your page now too

Psyche's Muse
4/11/2023 1:51:00 AM
Beautiful Song, Chandra! -M-
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