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Chandra Moon
7/15/2024 9:46:52 AM
New Song - Trying to Update as the first attempt didn't work - I hope this one does!!
I've uploaded a very rough recording of my new song called Until I See You Stand. I'll take it to the studio later this year to add to my upcoming third album - I hope you like it. I've got lots of ideas of how to record it.
Until I See You Stand

7/15/2024 10:01:47 AM
Song plays fine for me Chandra.

Chandra Moon
7/15/2024 10:02:17 AM
Yes I've deleted the first attempt - thanks for listening x

Tom O'Brien
7/16/2024 12:20:31 AM
Cool, Chandra. I always love to hear songs in their raw form. Can't wait to hear what you do with it. Interesting metre, by the way - it's kind of a five beat line thing lyrically.

7/16/2024 12:58:31 AM
I gave up trying to upload new stuff a while back. It never seems to work for me anymore and I got tired of reaching out to support about it. I miss the old days when uploads were a piece of cake. Not so anymore. I will have a listen tonight Chandra! Much Respect, Stoneman

7/16/2024 1:10:10 AM
Nice work. Great lyrics, melody ans strumming. You Rock!

Chandra Moon
7/16/2024 4:01:20 AM
---- Updated 7/16/2024 4:04:06 AM
Thanks Stoney and Tom! Yes my songs always seem to be off the beat with the lyrics. I think it’s all the African drumming I do. The melody beat is a straight 4 but the lyrics start somewhere else I couldnt tell you as I just make it up as I go along - I have no idea what the chords are, I just fiddle about until it sounds like what I hear in my head haha. I have to pay someone to come and write the chords out for me when I go to the studio so other musicians can join in as I am clueless on that front. I tend to play the chords further up the neck as I prefer the sound up there.

7/16/2024 7:54:07 PM
There is some chord writing software like Finale that will write the chords out for you. But a good chord writer is worth his/her weight in gold for sure. I never have to deal with that because I do it all myself and as the sole musician I tend to make up parts as I record. Most times, the music parts just seem to come to me when i need them to. You have a great versatile gift. Much Respect, my friend!
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