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Chandra Moon
7/16/2024 3:27:13 AM
---- Updated 7/16/2024 3:27:32 AM
Just spent a long time listening to the nominations for The Kayaks and am so impressed with this year’s tracks. So many brilliant artists and songs! Was not easy to choose but have submitted my choices. If anyone hasn’t - do make the time it’s more than worthwhile! Xx

Psyche's Muse
7/16/2024 3:39:24 AM
Yes, Chandra! Me too! Good Music! One And All! -M-

Jeff Allen Myers
7/16/2024 6:54:16 PM
Very cool Chandra… I need to set aside time to listen to them as all are deserving and need to be heard. This is a special place, I am proud to have my songs hosted here. It’s an extremely tough environment today for indie artists. Low attention spans caused by Tik Tok” brain. Algorithm induced lack of patience that does not give creativity a chance . If it does not instantly result in a cheap dopamine hit , it’s scrolled past. The birth of AI is making it even harder. This is all to highlight how special this site is. Good luck to all, Kind Regards Jeff

7/16/2024 8:01:41 PM
I am truly humbled to be included with so many excellent talented artists. Much love and good luck to all! Lots of good listening.

7/18/2024 8:30:19 PM
Yes, great songs one and all. Some were very close but I made my choices from the heart. Wishing everyone the best of luck! Keep writing and performing. The result may be a Kayak! Much respect To All, Stoneman

7/18/2024 9:17:52 PM
Wow!! Listening to all the Nominees it is almost if not impossible to try to decide who to cast a vote for. EVERBODY is Top Drawer Fantastic. I voted, but You ALL are Fantastic Artists who know your Craft and can Prove It.
Best Wishes and Best of Luck to All Y'all...you truly ARE the Best of the Best!!
Rock On my Brothers and Sisters!!
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