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Chandra Moon
10/31/2024 11:13:49 AM
New Song - Sing A Song Of All Our Nations
Hi friends!
I've re-recorded my anti-war song Sing A Song Of All Our Nations as a rocky dance track - I first wrote this one when the war in Syria broke out but now it refers to the horrors in the middle east and all round the world. The idea stemmed from the African notion of Griots - story tellers that pass stories and messages down through the ages in the form of music, drumming and stories.
It's unmixed and needs tweaking but I always like to share new things here before I send it out to the wider world. I've deleted the previous even rougher version.
I've now actually finished ten tracks so will finally be releasing my third album in the new year. It takes me so long.........but I always get there in the end.
Sing A Song Of All Our Nations - unmixed demo

Bryon Tosoff
10/31/2024 11:31:28 AM
Awesome arrangement Chandra, added to a couple stations, well done love the rocking version of this tune. fab happening vibe

Chandra Moon
10/31/2024 1:09:32 PM
Thanks Bryon - so glad you like it! I'm hoping a friend might add some freestyle words/rap to it but if not I'll just mix it as it is. I'm getting all ten tracks mastered soon and I've worked out a good track order. It all takes so long!!

10/31/2024 6:23:37 PM
Like this Chandra!
Am > Em is cool!
Rock on >>>

Chandra Moon
11/1/2024 5:39:51 AM
thanks - very glad you like it - I've written a few dancy tracks and not yet recorded them but hopefully will once I've finished the album off!!

Bryon Tosoff
11/7/2024 9:43:15 AM
You are on a roll and inspired. good for you, Keep rocking the tunes Chandra

Tom O'Brien
11/8/2024 2:46:30 AM
I'm glad there are people like you, Chandra, saying what needs to be said.

Richard Scotti
11/8/2024 11:27:53 AM
Chandra- the positivity of you and your music is inspirational! Thank you for that.

11/14/2024 1:20:34 AM
---- Updated 11/14/2024 2:03:59 AM
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