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Chandra Moon
1/6/2025 7:23:24 AM
Album finished!!!
Happy New Year to all my lovely music friends here! Here's hoping for a more peaceful and better year in this very troubled world.
I'm so happy to say I've finally finished my third album Until I See You Stand and had it mastered, encoded etc etc - someone's working on the artwork for the album and I've booked a place in Bristol to do an album release party on Apr 25th.
It's been such a long time coming - one or two of the songs are really from a long time ago and others much more recent.
I'll leave my tracks up for now but will be updating with the finished versions soon. I'm going to distribute it through Distrokid - they seem very good and reasonable but I'll leave MP3 versions here for free of course and I'll get a few hard copies done too as personally I love to have a physical product!
Anyway - thanks for all your encouragement and support xx

bp deignan
1/6/2025 7:48:06 AM

Father Time
1/6/2025 10:13:11 AM
Great news, Chandra! Perhaps you should consider doing an online release party like Jilly and I did for our record back in 2008. I know I'd come. =)

Bryon Tosoff
1/6/2025 6:41:55 PM
Kudos Chandra. much success!

Paul groover
1/7/2025 5:03:53 PM
Any release date?.

1/7/2025 7:42:55 PM
Big Congrats!

Chandra Moon
1/8/2025 9:01:00 AM
Official release date will be May 1st, album release party here in Bristol Apr 27th. x

Chandra Moon
1/8/2025 9:06:16 AM
Chandramoon's Albums

Psyche's Muse
1/13/2025 9:57:58 PM
Best Wishes For Your New Works Of Art Chandra! I haven't listened to iHeart Radio in over a year(my iphone 2 finally broke down "completely"). I'd never listened to music there based upon artist. I thought it was just "radio stations". I've only listened to your songs you have posted here. Listening to one of your songs posted there called "Willow". It is really beautiful! And now... "we can't be friends"... OMG! Phenomenal!!!
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