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Views for this Topic: 871

11/29/2009 9:14:18 AM
The deep nadir that occurs when nobody is excited about their own music

6/9/2009 9:17:39 AM
My Declaration of Internetdependence

2/24/2009 9:36:44 AM
A deep dark question, enter at your own risk.

1/18/2009 6:39:46 AM
The things you coulda done. The things you shoulda done.

12/12/2008 10:43:35 AM
the meaning of art and electrolytes

11/17/2008 10:19:55 AM
Living like you have nothing to lose

9/27/2008 11:02:26 PM
Taking risks in life.

9/13/2008 11:53:02 PM
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8/26/2008 5:56:57 PM
Internalizing a world that's in despair

8/23/2008 2:07:08 PM
Selflessness = Self Destruction

7/14/2008 10:19:43 AM
What percentage of songs written should ever be recorded at all?

7/5/2008 5:58:31 AM
The effect of breeding on musical tastes.

6/26/2008 2:24:09 AM
Are we ultimately all alone, each and every one of us?


Basic (free) Member



12/12/2008 10:43:35 AM ---- Updated 12/12/2008 10:51:19 AM

the meaning of art and electrolytes

a subject that is pondered often on this pipeline is why do artists do the things they do, particularly indie artists whose tangible dreams of the trappings of success often seem to lead to a cold dark vacuum of nothingness. Who cares what we artists do other than the few people who should stumble into our cove of creative clay figurines on that given day? Why do so few people care about our soul grist being thrown out there for all to use and abuse and discuss like when you drop your car off at a shop and feed it to the mercy of sly mechanics who may fix it in a timely manner or who may arbitrarily charge you for things that weren't even out of order?

Why do we do it? Why do we want to take on the world with our savage creations or our carefully crafted ones?

I suspect it has a lot to do with electrolytes. The conductivity of our blood cells with every thrust forward revealed of ourselves. The interaction or even possible interaction between our inner contrivances and a world that doesn't ask for this but will accept them as moving parts.

You can take the world as it is and add one small musical creation, or poetic, or visual creation and spacemen may not notice from afar that the earth appears any different, but if they dared to look closer, into the mind of the creator, they would see the electrolytes cause the inner sanctum of the artist's brain to take on a different shape. As a human who came into the day as one thing becomes something else altogether as he or she molds some sort of artistic penance to toss into the beast of the vast society.

Is creativity a drug? Is the effect of giving the world your morsels something noticeable or complete illusion? Does a crowd, an audience, a partaker of your fruit even exist or is everything about being an artist simply a personal event that changes you and only you?

Can you achieve anything other than to become different, than to activate your electrolytes in degrees based on how much of your own essence you unfold on that day? Is the perfect state of being that nothing exists outside of the relationship between you and your art?

What about others you love and partake in art with? Can your neural transmitters bond with another where your mind becomes a collective and both or all of you activate your electrolytes at the same time? Can collaboration be more of a chemical reaction than any bodily pleasure reaction? Is doing it everything and revealing it nothing? Or is unveiling some kind of natural breaking of glass and emerging into a whole other series of sensations? If yes, I suppose even those are self-contained because nobody is really watching but you and your co-creator(s). If the world responds, is it luck or something else, is it a lie? Does it matter?

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12/12/2008 2:11:27 PM

I don't know what you just said but I've never been more turned on

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12/12/2008 2:28:38 PM

'Does a crowd, an audience, a partaker of your fruit even exist or is everything about being an artist simply a personal event that changes you and only you?'

I did read all your post---- but this is the easy part---for a response!!

Well , aren't we trained from a young age to look for confirmation (praise) from parents and siblings , then--- this is reinforced through all our schooling so we end up being creatures who need others approval for much of what we do-----?

So that our creatve (healing IMO) processes get all distorted and seeking feedback /praise becomes the mission ----rather than the wonderful freedom of being a creator of works which are really ways of expressing who we are, and what we stand for------

Music sites are full of agonised posts from artists who want to 'make it' and are feeling frustrated at the lack of money or fame----instead of spinning out their talent in ever more fulfilling ways to satisfy their own inner critic!!!!

I had a jam once with a "famous" muso from Germany passing through this country----( New Zealand) We played a heap of unusual and riveting riffs and chord changes and after exhausting ourselves, I made the comment that I wished we could have captured some of it by having the tunes recorded ---

he was quite abrupt and said "It's only noise you know---it's really nothing big!
try not to be so precious----"

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Kevin White

12/12/2008 3:52:31 PM ---- Updated 12/12/2008 4:02:26 PM

There may be something to this. I've written my best material after drinking gallons of this (well, in between numerous bathroom breaks):


Is there any scientific basis for the way Gatorade tastes?

Yes, Gatorade is formulated to taste best during physical activity because it contains electrolytes and the right flavor profile to help drive the thirst mechanism.

Is there any scientific basis for Gatorade triggering extreme artistitic pleasure?

While drinking Gatorade itself is pleasurable, studies of mutual electrolyte transfers between collaborating artists has proven inconclusive. The artists studied did engage in sexual activity immediately following, so some swapping of bodily fluids did occur. It is uncertain whether or not the response was triggered by Gatorade or the fact that artists are just unnaturally horny.

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12/14/2008 1:45:50 PM

---I do think this deserves ---a bump!

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