Voodoohead Productions
12/17/2012 7:20:13 PM
Its a matter of taste
And that folks is it in a nutshell for music appreciation and not everyone is going to like another persons kinda music art or theatre. obvious alright,I like various artists here at iacmusic and am always on the lookout for their vibe. others, not so much. we all have our favs so there you go,
12/18/2012 12:39:08 PM
I have played many venues and even though I have received some glowing reviews and comments, there were always those people who thought I sucked. As the saying goes, you can never please all of the people all of the time. One person hears Bob Dylan and thinks he is the best they have ever heard. another person hears him and says eeeeyuuuuu! he sucks. That's the way of the world..............