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7/29/2008 12:12:01 PM
pm on a mushroom day- just sharing silliness of a band diva


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7/29/2008 12:12:01 PM

pm on a mushroom day- just sharing silliness of a band diva
INSPIRed moments at the end of the day: think of a huge plate full of mushrooms. being eaten by a hungry singer, eager to upload her songs to as many new websites as possible, knowing that LOVE is the heart of the matter and wondering just how to accomodate this particular function of life- practically. It dawns upon her that she could tell the world about some gigs she will be singing at with INSPIRITION, about the fleeting trip to Brittany planned to plan the album, to be recorded in August, to be released in September. the main aim is to spark a spark of recognition. Proud that over thirty radio stations and three tv stations are now playing INSPIRITION's music, the hungry singer wonders whether she can just let the juice of her imagination do the rest- ask some angels rather nicely to find a perfect publisher and then settle down to some nice recording, ecstatic performing and that sweet afterglow. Oh well, the mushrooms are getting cold now...!

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