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tjwaysongs + The Soul Touchers
Views for this Topic: 937

8/8/2009 8:29:27 PM
Thank you for Listening and VOTING for the soul touchers song 'Adopt the World' In Round ONE

8/5/2009 11:17:50 PM
'Adopt The World' With The Soul Touchers, Please VOTE for it in the 2009 World Entries

8/3/2009 4:21:36 AM
Any chance you can give our song a listen?

7/20/2009 7:21:41 AM
‘Adopt The World’ The Song conveys a Powerful message that encourages world peace and love among MAN-kind-Pls Give it a listen...!

7/13/2009 6:28:55 PM
Music artists SPOTLIGHT of the Month of July 2009 Goes to The Soul Touchers and Shelly Rann-Please come support these fine artists!

7/4/2009 8:10:56 PM
Latest Song Posted-Titled 'Adopt The World' Featuring Erin Simms-Come give it a listen

8/17/2008 10:11:58 AM
Support CHILDREN With CANCER And BUY Your Copy Of 'ANGELS ALL AROUND US' ALBUM- Lets all Make a Difference.


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tjwaysongs + The Soul Touchers

8/17/2008 10:11:58 AM

Support CHILDREN With CANCER And BUY Your Copy Of 'ANGELS ALL AROUND US' ALBUM- Lets all Make a Difference.
Order ONLINE THROUGH PAYPAL at: thesoultouchers.com

Order ONLINE Through: indiepool.com

Order ONLINE from: (CD Warehouse) mymusic.com

P.S. Please visit our iacmusic page for a list of other links the album is made available.
Thank you for your support in advance, and May God Bless you all,,,!
Sincerely; TJ Way (T.S.T)

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8/17/2008 12:40:34 PM

Hi TJ - we have a tune up there too!!!

C U in the mist!!!

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