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tjwaysongs + The Soul Touchers
Views for this Topic: 1130

8/8/2009 8:29:27 PM
Thank you for Listening and VOTING for the soul touchers song 'Adopt the World' In Round ONE

8/5/2009 11:17:50 PM
'Adopt The World' With The Soul Touchers, Please VOTE for it in the 2009 World Entries

8/3/2009 4:21:36 AM
Any chance you can give our song a listen?

7/20/2009 7:21:41 AM
‘Adopt The World’ The Song conveys a Powerful message that encourages world peace and love among MAN-kind-Pls Give it a listen...!

7/13/2009 6:28:55 PM
Music artists SPOTLIGHT of the Month of July 2009 Goes to The Soul Touchers and Shelly Rann-Please come support these fine artists!

7/4/2009 8:10:56 PM
Latest Song Posted-Titled 'Adopt The World' Featuring Erin Simms-Come give it a listen

8/17/2008 10:11:58 AM
Support CHILDREN With CANCER And BUY Your Copy Of 'ANGELS ALL AROUND US' ALBUM- Lets all Make a Difference.


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tjwaysongs + The Soul Touchers

7/20/2009 7:21:41 AM

‘Adopt The World’ The Song conveys a Powerful message that encourages world peace and love among MAN-kind-Pls Give it a listen...!
Subject: ‘Adopt The World’ The Song conveys a POWERFUL message that encourages world peace and love among MAN-kind-Pls Give it a listen...!

Hi everyone, I would like to invite you to come check out the soul touchers track song titled 'Adopt The World' Vocals By Erin Simms, accompanied by her son and daughter Daniel and Sophie Simms

I also want to wish everybody who entered the IAC Songwriting contest the best of luck, and a wonderful year ahead. Thank you all in advance for your time, and God Bless...!

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