Tao Jones
10/15/2009 4:37:53 PM
Yes, it can be mundane, as everyday as "Hello, how are you?"
But to really think about it, it is a type of magic that no one will ever fully grasp. Just the matching of sounds alone to make rhymes, making a meter a pulse, why does that work wonders on the human brain? Nursery Rhymes, old ones, have a way of dropping the rhymes so perfectly, they sound inevitable, they tickle something, but why?
You ride behind and I'll ride before
And trot, trot away to Baltimore
You shall take bread and I will take honey
And both of us carry a purse full of money
Like, it just falls like dovetail joints or something, but why should we care? It's built into us to care. Rhyme works a power over our emotions that really no one can explain.
And then melody....why should it moves us? It's as built into us as the sounds of language. In fact, when people try to figure out how far back music started, I think it's self evident it has been with us since language. It's hundreds of thousands of years back right down to a genetic imprint, and yet we really can't explain it...
...a rhythmic melodious form of magic, and we get to manipulate magic.
True, no promise that we are all any good with the magic, but we get to try, and it is powerful stuff.
Humans rarely congregate anywhere without it, and in modern times we hardly spend much time without it.
It's not food. It's not sex, not water or sleep, but it seems to be somewhat essential.
And you get to be a shaman...
I just love trying to manipulate the magic of melodies rhythms rhymes meanings in words, or even better multiple suggested meanings that are so slippery that my own songs play tricks on my understanding of what they are saying...
Magic...a kind you can work at forever and there is always another thing to fascinate you...