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Mr. Wonderful
Views for this Topic: 488

8/26/2008 2:05:07 PM
Obama warns stations not to air ads about William Ayers..

8/25/2008 5:26:24 AM
Tensions boiling between the Clinton-Obama camps!

8/24/2008 8:05:06 PM
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The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training,’” -Joe Biden

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8/20/2008 4:24:37 AM
Obama's Campain Staff has a message for John McCain


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Mr. Wonderful

8/26/2008 2:05:07 PM ---- Updated 8/26/2008 2:15:31 PM

Obama warns stations not to air ads about William Ayers..
Seems when the Ayers issue came up many months back Obama was very evasive saying to the effect he only met him a few times when today it's common knowledge they've had a working relationship for many years which I'm not sure he should be faulted for entirely, many people did dumb things in their youth but they grow up and learn from their mistakes. Ayers obviously didn't however by stating in 2001 "they didn't do enough" back during the Weathermen Days. But especially considering the fact innocent Americans were killed is this guy even sorry for that?

And should Obama be blamed for having a working relationship with Ayers? At first I would say no but the fact he tried to conceal this is very troubling to say the least.

I saw earlier today Obama was launching a pre-emptive strike against John McCain assuming he would make an issue of the Ayers-Obama association himself which he hasn't done but it doesn't look like he has to..

IMO Obama should have come clean about his working relationship with William Ayers in the beginning.. This does not bode well for him..


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Holo Lukaloa

8/26/2008 4:53:23 PM

Another non-issue from the steaming underbelly. Are you a racist?

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Mr. Wonderful

8/26/2008 5:26:04 PM

This would not be a non-issue if it was one of your loved ones that was killed by Mr. Ayers group, assuming you've ever cared about anyone Holo?

Sorry thing are going so badly for your candidate at the moment. He should have gotten a bounce when he named Biden as VP but the opposite happened. He should get a 12-15 point bounce after the convention has ended.., right now there is no movement in polls.

Should have picked Hilary as VP, she could carry him to the presidency. And had the Dems nominated her this campaign would be over now. Oh well.., there's always 2012.

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Holo Lukaloa

8/26/2008 5:34:48 PM

I don't believe Americans are so stupid they'd elect McCain. Maybe they are. However this issue has nothing to do with Obama, like almost every one of your blogs.

It's silly to talk about bounces, polling is done a lot differently than it was in the past. I know anti-abortion psychos want McCain to win badly and don't care if the country goes 4 more years to shit.

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Mr. Wonderful

8/26/2008 5:45:39 PM ---- Updated 8/26/2008 5:50:40 PM

I see a repetitive pattern in that Obama has never been able to close the deal. He stated 2 years he wasn't ready to be president in 2008 and has demonstrated he is spot on in that assessment. But until I hear Brezinski & Kissinger start endorcing another candidate he's the next president regardless of people like William Ayers.

I would still feel better with John McCain, he would be our Putin. Obama will embolden our enemies but no one will screw with the USA with John McCain as president.

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8/26/2008 6:02:32 PM

Our country will have enemies whoever is elected.

I don't believe that our enemies will be afraid of John McCain any more than Barack Obama. The extremists at least, are afraid of nobody.
I don't think we should choose a candidate based on who we think will scare away the boogy men more.

Our enemies, (though I was raised to love my enemy so it's hard to even type 'enemy'.) the ones who are extremists, surely hate both candidates because they both support Israel. They hate both of our candidates, because they hate our country and all we stand for. At least that's what the legend says.

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Mr. Wonderful

8/26/2008 10:11:59 PM

I think the person who made the Ayers-Obama video Qelizabeth is suggesting that Ayers may be just as dangerous today as he was 35 years ago in the sense that Obama is the new bomb he's putting in Washington. Now at first that may seem to be a stretch but when alot of folks see video of Obama saying he will slow development of our weapon systems you have to ask yourself why is it just our defense he openly states he will weaken without any reference to other major powers like Russia and especially China?

And again, exactly why wasn't Obama more forthcoming about a working relationship with Ayers? From what I've gleaned so far that dealt with improving public education which is something I would think doesn't needs to be hidden.

And again, if you think the correlation I made earlier in the post is unwarranted realise now we might be getting an early preview of what will become of our right to freedom of speech in this country when you read what Obama's camp want done to the person who funded that ad because what they want to do to Harold Simmons could be potentially done to anyone who exercises their right to free expression.

This is chilling if you ask me.


"Obama general counsel Bob Bauer today sent a second, sharper letter to the Justice Department, directly attacking the Dallas billionaire funding a harsh attack ad, Harold Simmons.

“We reiterate our request that the Department of Justice fulfill its commitment to take prompt action to investigate and to prosecute the American issues Project, and we further request that the Department of Justice investigate and prosecute Howard (sic) Simmons for a knowing and willful violation of the individual aggregate contribution limits,” he wrote.

He called the group’s activities “patently illegal.”

Bauer made the case that Simmons’ group [is not] fulfilling its [...] nonprofit charter because it hasn’t spent any money on anything other than attacking Obama. Simmons’ spokesman, Christian Pinkston, told me yesterday that plans to, and dismissed the complaints as an effort to lawyer away charges the campaign can’t rebut."

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8/26/2008 10:39:19 PM

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

For some reason Mr. Wonderful, this video, which I admit I didn't watch til now, doesn't ring true to me. In my gut I feel that this video aims to scare. It is full of non sequitur. I just don't buy it.


I don't think we should be scared of Barack Obama.

I just don't.

I'm an American.

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Mr. Wonderful

8/26/2008 10:51:20 PM

It's not what Ayers did 35 years ago or the fact he and Obama had a working relationship that from what I see so far isn't anything to be alarmed about. It's the fact that Obama was dishonest about that relationship and now his camp is demanding the person funding that video be prosecuted of all things.

How can that not concern you Qelizabeth?

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the perfect banana

8/26/2008 11:00:29 PM

Are you honest?

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Mr. Wonderful

8/26/2008 11:14:46 PM

I try to be. I know if I was running for president and if I had a previous working relationship with a former radical which was to improve public education that the last thing I would do would is deny that. Seems this was before 2001 when Ayers made the recent statements that demonstrate he's unrepentant for his past so I don't see a real link here the video is trying to make.

So why is th fact Obama worked with William Ayers on improving public education is urban areas something that needs to be hidden?

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the perfect banana

8/26/2008 11:24:07 PM

You don't seem honest to me.

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Mr. Wonderful

8/26/2008 11:33:23 PM

Looks like they went through about 110 million and had nothing to show for it in terms of improving public education.

"Chicago Annenberg Challenge"


"Results suggest that among the schools it supported, the Challenge had little impact on school improvement and student outcomes, with no statistically significant differences between Annenberg and non-Annenberg schools in rates of achievement gain, classroom behavior, student self-efficacy, and social competence."

Then there's "The Woods Fund"



"Barack Obama served on the board of directors of Woods Fund of Chicago from 1993 to 2001. During that time, the tax exempt foundation made some interesting grants, including one to Obama's church, Trinity United Church of Christ, headed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright at the time. Grants were also made to ACORN, a left wing voter registration group and to a partnership for constructing low income housing. The fund also used Northern Trust for financial services, which is the same company that provided Obama his 2005 mortgage.

In 2001 the board of directors included Obama, William Ayers, the former Weather Underground radical terrorist, and serving as chairman was Howard J. Stanback who headed New Kenwood LLC, a limited liability company founded by now-convicted felon Tony Rezko and Allison Davis, Obama's former boss at the law firm of Davis Miner Barnhill & Galland."

Now I understand..

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Mr. Wonderful

8/26/2008 11:33:35 PM ---- Updated 8/26/2008 11:34:06 PM


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Holo Lukaloa

8/27/2008 5:45:34 AM

I'm American. My country is stupid if they elect McCain.

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Diver Dan

8/27/2008 7:15:15 AM

Holo, how will Obama improve public education in America considering a dismal track record with 110 million dollars burnt from 1995-2001 and nothing to show for it?

Any thoughts on that subject?

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Holo Lukaloa

8/27/2008 7:26:01 AM

Mr Wonderful, did you feel your credibility was flailing so badly that you needed to make up another name? How many is that so far for you, Slim Jim a k a Fat Freddie?

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Diver Dan

8/27/2008 7:48:28 AM ---- Updated 8/27/2008 7:50:34 AM

Well if my actual one didn't get banned I wouldn't have used any of them but hey..

But back to the original question. Improving public education is more than a passing interest of mine and when other people put their efforts to doing that that I will take notice. That's why I've been pretty consistent in saying Obama just might deserve a pass as far as linking him to William Ayers on this issue but again, his reaction to the Ayers subject seemed really over the edge if they were doing something worthwhile that was non-political.

Now in the "Woods Fund of Chicago" it seems he & Ayers were involved is some odd financial transactions considering the original goal of the group was to improve the lives of the disadvantaged, not award grants to your friends but that's neither here or there at the moment.

But in the "Chicago Annenberg Challenge" there is a clear track record of failure. He and Ayers oversaw a budget of 110 million dollars from 1995 - 2001 and had nothing to show for it after the money was gone.

So please answer the question Holo. How will Obama improve public education in this country that will allow American schoolchildren to compete with with students from the rest of the world?

Please explain.

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