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Diver Dan
8/28/2008 8:22:48 PM
Well I caught most of Obama's speeh..
It wasn't bad but he probably would have done better in a smaller hall cause I've seen him give much better speeches than that. Obama on his own probably isn't such a bad guy but some of the people who follow him.., whoa, that's real reason for concern..
We'll be free of imported oil in 10 years? Don't bet on it.
8/28/2008 8:38:34 PM
I have heard the speech before. I was a little embarrassed by the fireworks but I'm just a simple girl. I know all that hooplah is necessary. That is the point of conventions. And I know they chose the big stadium because they wanted to include more people who wanted to attend.
Free of imported oil? Don't bet on it. I agree with you. The machine is too big, the monster too powerful to kill, but I'm voting for the person who's gonna try. He once said, we sent men to the moon, we can replace the internal combustion eng
ine. It's true, but unfortunately it's not the science that is the problem, it's the machine, the monster.
I don't own a car, but I really do love fast cars. I'd be thrilled if they could run a Corvette on peanut oil....
Diver Dan
8/29/2008 6:28:17 AM
---- Updated 8/29/2008 6:34:41 AM
Funny you mention peanut oil, the original diesel ewas designed to run on that very fuel in the 1890's and today people routinely convert existing diesal cars to run on WVO (Waste Vegetable Oil) which is abundant and free though some work is involved. Sources for veritable fuel are many but the one that give the greatest yield is a type of algae that flourishes in parts of the country where nothing else will grow like the Mahave Desert. 10% of the desert could produce fuel for the entire county's cars, planes, ships, you name it. A vegetable based fuel that produces zero pollution and is renewable but don't expect to ever see it.
And when you're driving on the freeway 9 of 10 cars you see will be traveling 40 miles or less that day so they really don't need any gas to be moving, electric power will be just fine. Of course big oil tells us they are sill needed to produce the electricity so eliminating wind, solar, ect., still less than 5% of the fuel is needed to run electric cars.
Then there's Tata Motors of India who are not only building cars that run on compressed air, they are delivering them right now to Europe and they'll be dropping in this country in the next 3-4 years. One version that has a small motor to run only the on-board air compressor can take you from LA to New York on a single tank of gas. And this is here, now.
Then there's HHO gas or fuel from water. A simple system that creates hydrogen on demand. And though conventional science tells us this is impossible this technology is at least 80 years old and you can actually buy the parts you need on ebay to convert any existing gas or diesel engine to run on water right now.
So sorry about being a bit long-winded on this topic Qelizabeth but just what new ideas will Obama presenting on the problem of imported oil?
I'll say his heart may be in the right place but I doubt he'll make a difference or better take credit for himself from those who are already making a difference as he has a pattern of doing throughout his political career.
I look at The Annenberg Challenge & Woods project he& Ayers were involved on and the $160 million that benefited no one I can't help but feel if a full accounting of that money could be made, it might be quite an eye-opener. And I've watched his videos on helping troubled schools and it's lke he's reading from a teleprompter again because all he brings to the table are the same failed schemes of the past that will insure huge sums of money intended to benefit schoolchildren with continue to end up in the pockets of Big Pharma and their minions with the students largely being left illiterate, addicted and betrayed.
Obama may mean well again but he brings nothing new to the table from what I see. He's a Chicago Machine politician who has a redistribution of wealth socialist mindset which will mirror LBJ's Great Society programs-ripoffs form the late 60's onward that did nothing to alleviate poverty but made it much worse instead.
If elected he has to be given a fair chance. I'm willing to do that but taking into account his long involvement in improving public education, the money wasted from that with again nothing to show for it, I see that as a blueprint for what can be realistically expected from him as president. But I hope he proves me wrong for everyone's well-being.
Holo Lukaloa
8/29/2008 8:06:16 AM
It was a great speech. I will never forget last night as long as I live.
We don't know if dependence on foreign fuel can be wiped out, because no previous administration has ever even remotely come close to attempting that. It's been shoved to the side in every case to our detriment.
8/29/2008 8:55:17 AM
Normally, I hate getting involved in these political threads, but I've a valid question to ask to anyone who might have the answer ...
How can we be free from oil in ten years when the oil companies have bought up most patents on alternative fuel resources?
8/29/2008 9:17:14 AM
Patent more stuff, and let real philanthropic orgs control them.
Obama needs to bring some of Teddy Roosevelt's practices into office with him. He was a Republican, but a Progressive Republican. He didn't like corrupt, over-powerful corporations at all, he was the "trust-buster", someone we need again. Interestingly, he was pro-conservation and supported universal health care, now in the Democratic realm. He won a Nobel Peace Prize for making peace between the Russkies and the Japanese. How times change. He was a cowboy, probably who Monkey George thought he was emulating, but the real thing. (He was also heavily involved in the odious Spanish-American War, but no one's perfect.)
Diver Dan
8/29/2008 9:21:06 AM
We won't, they have a monopoly on energy and they will not give it up. Oil is currency, it is dominion over of the advancement of nations, oil controls the world.
Amazing how many very well-educated and successful people still have never heard of Nicolai Tesla here in America where we cherish the free flow of ideas and encourage innovation.
Powerin your home today should be as simple as dialing in your favorite radio station, this is the "radiant energy" Tesla discovered in the late 1800's. Free energy that could be transmitted without wires just as music is. Only he didn't just theorize about it, he did it. JP Morgan couldn't figure out how to put a meter on this though so what Tesla discovered well over a century has been suppressed but watch India in the coming years. (Oh, and JP Morgan gave us General Electric..)
Nicolai Tesla (Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)
(Part 5)
The Man With No Band
8/29/2008 10:38:09 AM
"Amazing how many very well-educated and successful people still have never heard of Nicolai Tesla here in America where we cherish the free flow of ideas and encourage innovation."
Tesla is common public knowledge and anyone with any brains knows who he is ...
... although very few have the ability or capability of using his discoveries on a large scale ...
Diver Dan
8/29/2008 9:38:42 PM
His discoveries were snuffed out in their infancy such as radiant energy. He wouldn't sell all his patents to Morgan so he torched his lab..., business as usual.
So thanks to Morgan's great foresight we've had 2 world wars and are well into #3 not to mention poisoning the planet..
Kevin White
8/30/2008 12:51:12 PM
---- Updated 8/31/2008 9:39:23 AM
Tesla's concepts have been around since ... well, Tesla. Yet none of them have advanced much in the years since.
The unfortunate thing Tesla couldn't overcome was the drop in electrical energy relative to distance from the source. No one to date has adequately solved that fundamental hurdle.
It is too bad most folks don't know about Tesla ...
Diver Dan
8/31/2008 10:54:37 AM
---- Updated 8/31/2008 11:04:10 AM
I met an engineer a few months back from India who worked for Tata Motors and we had an interesting conversation about the auto industry, why the Big 3 keeps losing market share, their compressed air cars, HHO gas, electric ect.
He then mentioned that India due to necessity was taking a huge interest in Tesla's Radiant Energy and what he told me was fascinating. We learn that Tesla was able to light homes from up to 200 miles away from his coils but he stated that Tesla was in fact able to power florescent lights as far away as Australia from his transmitting towers here in the US and this guy knew what he was talking about so I don't doubt him.
So I think you're confusing Radiant Energy with something quite different. Difficult to grasp but anyone who has gotten a shock after rubbing their feet on a carpet knows that there is electricity in abundant supply that doesn't need to be created by coal burning plants. It available on demand knowing the frequencies it transmit at, if memory serves me correctly. Tesla's vision was a clean & abundant supply of free energy that could have lifted the entire world out of poverty and not a single oil well would have to be dug or any war's fought over them, it would just be a matter of maintaining the transmitting towers again.
Kevin White
8/31/2008 1:53:44 PM
Basically, Tesla's concept was to broadcast electricity like a radio frequency ... and all you needed to do to collect the electricity is tune into the right freq on the dial.
Diver Dan
8/31/2008 3:37:30 PM
It wasn't a concept, he did it. And he was beyond using this energy source for just running household appliances, he had already moved forward for radiant energy to power trains, ships & airplanes as well but Rockefeller & Morgan had different ideas about that.
It's never been proven if he did in fact power the '31 Pierce Arrow using the same power source but cars were on the agenda too.
"For years I have advocated my system of wireless transmission of power which is now perfectly practicable and I am looking confidently to its adoption and further development. In the system I have developed, distance is of absolutely no consequence. That is to say, a Zeppelin vessel would receive the same power whether it was 12,000 miles away or immediately above the power plant. The application of wireless power for aerial propulsion will do away with a great deal of complication and waste, and it is difficult to imagine that a more perfect means will ever be found to transport human beings to great distances economically. The power supply is virtually unlimited, as any number of power plants can be operated together, supplying energy to airships just as trains running on tracks are now supplied with electrical energy through rails or wires.
The transmission of power by wireless will do away with the present necessity for carrying fuel on the airplane or airship. The motors of the plane or airship will be energized by this transmitted power, and there will be no such thing as a limitation on their radius of action, since they can pick up power at any point on the globe."
Kevin White
8/31/2008 6:23:44 PM
AND the planes would be flying close to the power source. So ... Interesting.
Might there be disastrous interruptions or gaps in the supply though? Like static on the radio dial or interference from external sources?
Would sunspots drop planes out of the sky? Sucks for them, right?
Nothing is simple. I sort of trust that there is a reason it hasn't been done. It hasn't passed all the test needed to make it happen.
It isn't conspiracy. It's not JP Morgan. It's that it hasn't been able to be fully verified as a tested technology.
Tesla is dead. IF his legacy provided conduit to billions, it would be fully exploited by those smart, smart, smart capitalists who owe nothing to him.
It hasn't.
IT IS though, thoroughly engaging; and may lead somewhere. Someday. Who knows? That's the spice of life.
Diver Dan
8/31/2008 8:21:13 PM
---- Updated 8/31/2008 8:28:44 PM
Kev, this technology was snuffed out in it's infancy a full century ago. Had it been allowed to grow who really knows what the world would be like today. I would think we should be beyond flight by now, with video conferencing, ect., it's amazing the amount of time wasted for a business meeting that might last 1/2 hour.
But think of a world of only a fraction of pollution we have now with no worries of climate changes that could impact the survivability of coming generations. Think about the wars that didn't have to happen and the wasted financial and human costs over oil in the last century alone and try to imagine what the world would be like if none of that happened.
Maybe things would have turned out worse, who knows? I think it would have brought a type of enlightenment & prosperity that would have changed human nature for the better myself. I don' think you would see the massive poverty that exists today nor the political instability that comes with it. It certainly would have empowered the people of 3rd world countries and we might not have such a thing today. On the other hand it could have been misused I suppose but the possibilities would have been endless.
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