tumbeelin tumbleweed
8/3/2017 4:54:07 AM
how do you feel?
so i was doin my thing moseyin on thru the forests somewhere outside tbe spirits of man and i tend to witness or should i say notice the things that get a soul stirrin'. you don't see it that often anymore but once in awhile somebody is shedding their lifeblood on the path. a crowd gathers to watch the spectacle, i've been a part of a few of those shows myself as i wear my troubles on my chest. so i run into somebody who tells me how they feel and it comes out flowing and tonight it just occurred to me, so often you see somebody in the wilderness tryin to decide how they feel about somethin'. what's goin' on with that? if you feel it you feel it, you can't decide how you feel, what are all these people doin' tryin to decide how and what they feel? what's worse yet is artist deciding feelings when they're the ones who work with feelings, don't they know how they feel and if not, why not? it's not brain surgery to feel something, you just do. don't need no fancy analysis for that. feel. spare the shit, just feel it. ok?