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Old Man Warner
Views for this Topic: 717

1/14/2024 2:06:39 PM
Big Announcement

10/31/2023 1:33:46 PM
every day is a new day

4/12/2023 5:37:36 AM
I must've died and went to heaven.

10/20/2019 6:13:31 PM
I might change my name

9/13/2019 1:20:23 PM
When things stop working

6/5/2019 7:55:23 AM
Money is everything in this world.

3/12/2019 10:48:40 AM
I found a cereal box in my cupboard from 1964

12/16/2018 4:52:56 PM
Did anybody nominate me for a Golden Kayak this year?

11/20/2018 3:20:48 PM
the secret to my youth

10/23/2018 6:09:16 AM
I don't got nothin' to say either.

9/20/2018 2:41:12 PM
I fell down again last night

7/10/2018 6:50:26 PM
I wonder

6/5/2018 10:18:09 PM
I get older every day

2/21/2018 3:37:14 AM
I'm turning 100 in May

1/9/2018 12:13:52 AM
I lost my glasses at the 5 and dime.

11/28/2017 2:09:44 PM
Verity, what gives?

11/10/2017 11:31:20 AM
I used to be young once.

11/3/2017 12:31:12 AM
Did anybody miss me?

8/9/2017 7:21:20 PM
Things just aren't the way they used to be.

6/24/2017 8:23:34 PM
What about me?

6/8/2017 9:57:26 PM
Sgt Pepper Remix debuts at #3 on Billboard 200 albums chart

4/14/2017 11:19:18 PM
I just made my longest ever post and the internet ate it.

4/1/2017 4:28:47 PM
Yeah I heard it.

1/30/2017 10:35:31 AM
I've had the same wallet for 59 years

1/29/2017 11:28:38 AM
I was out chasin' girls last night

1/27/2017 10:43:43 AM
I'm too old and tired to live anymore.

1/6/2017 7:56:09 AM
Does anybody know anything about Alzheimers?

12/23/2016 11:42:05 AM
The other day my grocery store lady didn't remember my name

10/21/2016 8:36:13 AM
I miss the good ol' days

8/18/2016 8:12:12 AM
I lost my left sock.

7/16/2016 10:56:26 AM
I'm getting old.

5/13/2016 5:38:14 AM
I heard somebody was asking where I was.

4/30/2016 5:26:30 AM
Nobody wished me a happy birthday!

4/8/2016 7:26:47 PM
An open letter to the world.

4/2/2016 7:15:03 AM
I don't like new-fangled stuff at all.

3/14/2016 6:33:06 AM
Daylight Savings Time makes me groggy.

2/10/2016 6:37:12 AM
I'm tired of social media

1/30/2016 1:26:01 PM
Ever have one of those kind of days where you feel really old?

1/20/2016 3:03:47 PM
I'm tired of living.

12/23/2015 8:34:41 AM
My dang foot hurts

12/5/2015 10:36:02 AM
Health is everything, isn't it?

11/26/2015 8:04:35 AM
I'm too old for Thanksgiving

11/12/2015 12:30:38 AM
Today is the first day of..

10/31/2015 1:36:15 PM
Halloween is stupid

10/30/2015 2:52:42 AM
I wish i knew what it was like to be beautiful

10/24/2015 12:29:39 PM
The tomatoes have been good this year.

10/6/2015 5:23:34 AM
Where's my remote?

9/26/2015 6:26:38 PM
Life is hard

9/18/2015 12:15:00 PM
Somebody knocked down my mailbox.

9/13/2015 10:00:43 AM
Did I leave my coffee mug here yesterday?

11/4/2013 7:45:20 AM
It's ridiculous

9/23/2009 1:22:29 AM
I sure ain't what I used to be

9/5/2009 2:54:33 PM
I miss the old sodie fountains.

4/21/2009 7:08:33 AM
Did anybody see my lawn chair?

3/11/2009 4:24:51 AM
People drive too fast.

2/25/2009 8:21:54 AM
I started my own music page and recorded my very first song. Come and give a listen, young'uns.

2/21/2009 6:22:01 PM
What happened to TV shows like Howdy Doody and Wyatt Earp?

2/19/2009 6:05:26 PM
They don't make shoefly pie like they used to.

1/27/2009 11:36:19 AM
It doesn't get said enough.

10/21/2008 10:39:12 PM
The world was better 40 years ago.

9/16/2008 11:08:20 PM
Pack of crazy fools


Basic (free) Member


Old Man Warner

10/23/2018 6:09:16 AM

I don't got nothin' to say either.

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Psyche's Muse

10/27/2018 4:54:56 AM

I don't seem to be havin' that problem tonight.

maybe sumthin's wrong...

or "write"?

May Be!

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