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Vack Dambol
Views for this Topic: 1809

7/26/2016 6:13:45 PM
Coincidence, or ...

7/2/2016 10:02:49 PM
I guess you should say thank you...

10/8/2015 1:58:41 PM
Words of Wisdom from an unknown Stationmaster

3/30/2011 11:26:01 PM
So who's your favorite


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Vack Dambol

10/8/2015 1:58:41 PM

Words of Wisdom from an unknown Stationmaster
Down in the lower right column. I mean way down at the bottom of the page, the Stationmaster wrote these words and really got to the crux of things.

"Piece of advice for all of you artists out there. Time is precious...do not make me sit through long introductions to finally get to your song. Believe me...you aren't "setting up" your masterpiece. Get to the song already!" - Acoustically Furious Station, October 2007

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Bryon Tosoff

10/8/2015 2:03:23 PM

agreed. of course, who wants to bore themselves silly waiting while you can do something useful. it is a learning experience though of course. eventually most get it and craft their tunes to catch the listeners attention. good point, and a good reminder

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10/8/2015 3:38:00 PM

As somebody who listens to probably 100 new artists a day and more on certain days, I've wondered out loud why artists lately think it is cool to put 20, 30 seconds of noise or tuning sounds on the front of their songs before anything actually musical happens. It is a really lousy trend if you ask me.

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Vack Dambol

10/9/2015 12:51:29 PM

Yes, I've noticed that too. It is a disturbing trend.

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10/11/2015 8:22:34 AM ---- Updated 10/11/2015 8:23:15 AM

Goodness. People DO that? Gawd.

It's Not A Dress Rehearsal, Folks. Best Food Forward.
(Freudian Slip by the Fat Girl... ooops...)
BEST FOOT Forward. Sheesus.

If I throw in a four bar drum intro it's a lot.

Basic rule of thumb for record making:
Make it interesting immediately, or you'll be the only one who likes it.


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Bob Elliott

10/16/2015 3:24:07 PM

I don't write intros enough. I like it when I write an intro with chord patterns not even in the song. Those are cool things.

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10/16/2015 4:36:34 PM

You don't like my 32bar intro? I use it as my outro also.

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Noah Spaceship

10/17/2015 2:58:51 PM

Different strokes.

Please make rules for us to follow pertaining to making music.
I fucking love breaking them.

Words of wisdom? dogmatic rigidity?

Just put your stupid Beatles playlist on repeat, and your head back in the sand.

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Noah Spaceship

10/17/2015 3:03:50 PM

..basically, if I want a five minute intro of noise, that's what I will make.

Will I release it as a single?
Prob not.

Do I give a fuck if some crusty bag full of opinions like it?
Prob not.

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Bryon Tosoff

10/17/2015 3:13:15 PM

@ Noah Spaceship, Depends what kinda of music it is Fred. And I know your style and how important it is for you to do something unique and outside of the box. stretching the limits. but if it is for top 40 ( whether new country, bro country, pop rock etc )then it has to fit in that pattern and meet the time criteria,these cats want something that grabs them, like now, you have these days 10-15 seconds, even less. drop those vocals asap. i mean, even breaking into fm radio is tough with the top notch talent i have worked with, because you have to convince the music-programmer director to take an artists song and work it in there rotation, no easy task for an indie. When I do it, they say, why should we gave up perhaps a 1000 dollars of ad time for your song and why should we make room for it, , and will we like it anyways, And even at times I see that here on the featured songs the old (HITLINE), although most are new artists getting a shot at being heard, that is important to welcome them, but not at the expense of other artists here that deserve to be there too .so even at IMP I do see a similar approach.

Breaking the rules, doing thing outside of the sliced bologna approach, the accepted way of doing things, because many are cut up in this contrived BS to some degrees these days. But for those who want to do it for the art and challenge the listener. and twist it up, with different chord shapes or an unusual structural approach well you do know how to capture a listeners ear, at least mine

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Noah Spaceship

10/17/2015 3:40:31 PM

I acknowledge your thoughtful comment, Bryon, and I agree.

Know thyself, and Know your market so you release accordingly.

It would suck to alienate your fans. It would suck worse to pander and fail at targeting a market not suited for your style.

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Hop On Pop

10/18/2015 8:57:35 AM

I don't know myself and I don't have a market.
I'll just keep making music that I like listening to and, most-likely being ignored by the bulk of the planet.
Maybe, one day folks will come around. But I'm not holding my breath.
I would love it if you (any of you) would add my songs to your stations. I want to be heard. But, I cannot make music that, when I listen to it, all I hear are the things that I want to change. And that includes missing an intro that I wish were there.

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Bryon Tosoff

10/18/2015 9:06:53 AM

I know for sure, I am probably one of your biggest fans Todd. and have added a lot of your good works to many stations over the years, as I have Noah Spaceships John Pippus, Shoe City Sound , Chandra moon FT Steve April Steve Ison, Beverly jayne Richard Scotti. on and on it goes man new talent too many to name. i support indie music and I M P. I consider myself one of the most consistent supporters of artists around here . So if you are not being recognized and acknowledged, then that is unfortunate, i know i have and go back and listen to all the well established artists here, not just the new comers. I prospect and dig and visit many peoples pages who have been around here forever, now maybe we are not going to be featured like some, but you all have a great vibe, I saw one persons page who had not a song added in over a year. thats sad

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Hop On Pop

10/18/2015 9:15:21 AM

Oh, I'm not trying to be pouty. And I'm not talking about just at IMP.
I am just being realistic and talking about the world, in general.

And, I thank you for your support, Bryon. And everybody here for their support. It's awesome to know that SOMEbody is listening. But, fact is, I am never going to make a career out of this music thing and I know it. Might as well just make the music that makes me happy.

Nothing else to do.

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Bryon Tosoff

10/18/2015 9:16:27 AM

Part of the Challenge Todd, is there are so so many artists here and not enough station managers. If even 20 of us or 30 would start something as new artists or even us old timers, and add just one song a day to our stations, that would be up to 10000 adds in a year. I mean with 100000 people ( or is it songs maybe its songs) clamoring and uploading material it is pretty hard to stand out in an ocean of aspiring and established artists. It is exactly what is happening out in the world outside of here so many wanting to be recognized, looked at and jockeying for position, it is damn hard to make a difference with so much competition and if we dont support one another, who the hell will!!!???

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Hop On Pop

10/18/2015 9:32:52 AM

Oh, I totally agree.
But supporting one another at IMP is one thing, having that translate to real-world notoriety is something else all-together. Because, let's face it, the only folks who listen to music here at IMP are the folks at IMP.
Unless there is a partnership with larger outside influencers/media outlets, the starts of IMP will remain at IMP. It's our own little world here.
And that is cool. But it's nothing that any of us are going to make a career out of.

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Bryon Tosoff

10/18/2015 9:39:06 AM

True, but perhaps with Scott's IMP radio program reaching out into the world, someone may hear it who has big deep pockets and they might be the one to make all that so or we as a community could change the world and the music

but you are right IMP is a little drop in an Ocean

cheers man

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Hop On Pop

10/18/2015 9:42:39 AM

Sorry. Not trying to piss in the Cheerios.
I hope that you're right.

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10/18/2015 10:03:06 AM

I wish I could think of new ways to bring more non/artist listeners to the site. We're workin on it though.

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10/18/2015 10:56:37 AM

Look at the progress made since the restart. So many developments, and initiatives, in such a short time. The whole atmosphere is changed. There's an undeniable buzz. This is real. It's happening.

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Bryon Tosoff

10/18/2015 3:47:15 PM

big change in the atmosphere and the culture. it is rolling

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Noah Spaceship

10/18/2015 4:38:31 PM

Todd, with all due respect, you kind of have a shit attitude.
It is one thing to not believe in yourself, but entirely another to lump all of us into your miserable view.

this is not a pep talk, this not me patting you on the ass and saying, "you can do it" - no, this is me saying, speak for yourself, dude. ..and let's not have a debate on what it means to 'make it', we all know what the fuck it means. It means making a living by making music.

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Bryon Tosoff

10/18/2015 10:36:54 PM

Do it for the joy and if something good happens. then that is a bonus.

But most of all one has to really immerse oneself deep in the culture , and nurture the whole process, sure we get stuck, maybe frustrated, i dont. because I accept my place more as a person who supports others and as an advocate.

I dont delude myself that I will be a something in this world full of gifted beautiful talent. One needs to evaluate and consider the good things they have accomplished and smile and say, hey that is pretty good. I did something and that in itself is a cool thing.....make sense. cheers and rock on to you all

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Hop On Pop

10/19/2015 4:30:41 AM

I apologize for my shit attitude. It's not me speaking, but my years of disappointment.

And, of course I have nobody to blame but myself. Whether it's for writing sub-par songs, or for not throwing myself into the promotion more fully.

And my aim is certainly not to bring anybody down into the shitter with me. There are a lot of outstanding artists here at IMP, and elsewhere online. I've found quite a few of them just cruising around the net, looking for a new musical thrill.

I wish for nothing more than for all of us to become megasuperduperstars. It would absolutely improve the quality of the mainstream if we were to become the mainstream.

I'm just trying to keep expectations low, while keeping my hopes high.
I'm a Chicago Cubs fan. It's just the way I've learned to live.
(For those of you not familiar with American Major League Baseball, look it up and you'll understand.)

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Noah Spaceship

10/19/2015 3:40:53 PM

I like you, Todd, don't get me wrong. I can relate to you quite well, also.

Sometimes I need a slap upside my head to pull out of my own self loathing.
I thought I would extend the same regard my brother has for me.
His pep talks are more like a drill sargent's dressing down.
It helps me get fired up.

No need to apologize. Just don't give up.

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10/19/2015 4:10:52 PM

Jesus Christ. I feint ants all over you guys.

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Hop On Pop

10/19/2015 7:03:39 PM

The towel is in my hand, but I haven't thrown it yet.

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10/19/2015 10:08:15 PM

In regards to the original post. Yeah, one of my pet peeves is long intro's. I mean, get to the point already. However, there are a few genres that this is acceptable for. One would be EDM music. EDM fans don't care about the length of the intro as long as the intro can be danced to. But EDM is also unique in regards to song structure. Quite often there isn't any. It's a fat driving beat with lots of stuff surrounding it. A lot of wanna be Hip-Hop producers have long intros. It bugs the hell out of me because that same loop keeps playing over and over while you occasionally here someone say "ugh" or "Yeah". Then you realize that the fucking intro is the entire damn song. These amateurs actually consider themselves great producers for playing that same damn loop for 5 minutes. The entire song winds up being one long verse of annoying rap lyrics that have absolutely no coherency. I listen for a minute or so and then roll my eyes into the top of my head in total disgust. I mean, how about a chorus/hook? What about a bridge to break the monotony of the same damn loop? It is obvious that these folks never took songwriting 101. They just learned how to create a look and then said "Now I am a producer". Well, you sure are. A shitty one at that. Okay, okay, I feel better now that I got that out of my system.

Now, in regards to the other posts. Well, I wish I had a few bucks for every time I considered throwing in the towel on music. I would be really rich as it has been a frequent thought my entire life (almost). "But the race is not given to the swift or the strong but to those who endure till the end" You may ask what the end is and the answer for me is life. I am in this music thing until I just keel over and fart my last fart. I guess the main reason is that I love this shit. Uh, I mean music. But farting is cool to as long as I stay up wind. But music is everything to me. It defines me. I tell my wife all the time that the biggest secret I would never tell my publishers or labels is that if I had to, I would do this for free. As a matter of fact, Form many, many years, when I had to, I did it for free. It feels good when I get compensated. But nothing replaces the feeling of creating a new song. Man, it is like the biggest high of all. And, maybe if I just keep doing this shit I will someday get a big hit. Maybe not. But no matter what, I will always be doing something in music. I am very fortunate to be able to do what I love full time but at my own leisure. That's because I never gave up. I kept looking for ways to get better and that pursuit continues even to this very day. The treasure may come in tiny little pieces that are time released according fate. Or it may come with one huge avalanche of fame. But even if it never really comes. My life has been enriched and rewarded by the joy of making music. Anything above that is bonus.

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6/23/2016 8:25:45 PM

I play live to entertain but I write for me. I don't care if people like the music I write or not. But I will always leave you scraping yourself up off the floor wondering what happened to your brain cells when I play live.

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6/23/2016 8:30:28 PM

Oh yeah...long intros...unless it is as amazing as the intro to 'Sweet Jane' don't even try, junior. This is a job for professionals. Don't try this at home.

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6/23/2016 9:05:13 PM ---- Updated 6/23/2016 9:09:13 PM

Todd, I understand. And I hope the Cubs do what the Cavs did. Break that fucking curse, man! Go CUBS!

And dude. Fuck what people think. Go off on your own thing and have fun.

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Psyche's Muse

6/24/2016 4:44:20 AM

"GO Ahead, Larree!" ; )


...and Thanks for posting Bowie.
...been a VERY long time since I heard that one. -M-

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