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9/29/2011 4:10:03 PM
---- Updated 9/29/2011 4:17:24 PM
I've Had Enough
Wouldn't it be nice if the world was all fluffy and flowery (hmmm flowery? is that a word?). You know? A place where all children could just run and play, eat pop sickles and be filled with the joys of childhood without dodging bullets or constantly attending their friends funerals. Wouldn't that be cool? I would be able to write some very uplifting and flowery (yeah I said it again) songs about a world like that.
But reality is so unkind. It seeps into our existence with headlines about little kids being caught in the crossfire of gangs and hoodlums. Young men are being gunned down by mistake because they happened to have on a Blue or Red shirt. Mothers, fathers and grandparents are crying at funerals. Misguided teens are being locked up for life because of their affiliations. This is the world I have known my entire life. This is the world I became a part of in my youth. I proudly wore my colors and was willing to die or kill for them. I was a South Central Los Angeles Ace. A stupid teenaged shot caller. When I go home they still call me an O.G.(Original Gangster). Some labels are so hard to shed. But a really good thing happened on my journey to the morgue or imprisonment. I grew up and saw the error of my ways. Then, I became an advocate for change. A man with a new mission. I cannot undue the harm I did in my youth but for the last 40 years I have worked to bring positive changes. As a prison chaplain they made me a street gang intervention minister and for many years I worked hard to bring change. I even put my music aspirations on hold. There is nothing I have ever done that I am more proud of than that! Every time I saw a life avowed gangster with his head bowed renouncing his affiliation and giving his life to God, I rejoiced inside because I knew I had witnessed the saving of many lives. All the music industry plaques on my wall mean nothing compared to that.
This song is about my continued commitment to change. Even though I am retired from the chaplaincy and blessed to be doing nothing but music now, I still believe in change because I proved it could be done. I changed! Despite all the excuses I had for being what I was, despite all the child abuse, neglect and abandonment, I became something more than just a street gang statistic. But the headlines continue to permeate my daily perusal of the newspapers. This year in Oakland alone there have been over 80 murders due to street gangs. The vast majority of the people killed were innocents caught in the crossfire. Several were little children. This song will not win me any awards or be deemed commercial enough to be played on the radio. It may even get me killed for calling the perpetrators out. But I have to say and do what is right. After all these years of struggle against the thug life I have just plain had enough. This is dedicated to all those who strive to make life fluffy and flowery for our children playing in the streets.
I've Had Enough

Shoe City Sound
9/29/2011 8:45:58 PM
Oh my God - this song! I keep writing stuff and deleting it because it seems to trivialize what you've done here ..... never heard you sing like that before either. This could be my favorite thing of any of your stuff that I've heard.
Can't help asking - what is that on the chorus - sax?

9/30/2011 2:02:22 AM
Wow! Thanks so much Delores! let's see, during the choruses in between the verses I played a guitar through a grunge pedal and another guitar through a talk box. Then there is a synth played through a guitar effect called Slayer. I used the feedback setting with a pitch wheel manipulator and added reverb to make it sound a bit eerie. In the vamp chorus at the end I added a synth string. The Bass is also a synth Bass called Gangsta. Used a Reason redrum for the drums. No Sax on this one. But wish I had of thought of that. Maybe I will try it out in the recording lab just to see if fits. My Sax playing days are getting numbered. Lots of straining for air these days. But at least the voice is still holding up. Father time keeps waking me up and putting his foot in my ass. But I'm still making music. Thankful!
Thanks Again!

Chandra Moon
9/30/2011 2:39:25 AM
Great track Stoneman - really impactful and heartfelt and well produced too! Love it. I've added it to Over The Moon this morning (well it's morning here in the UK ha ha)!
I think it should be heard widely - wonderful work.

Duane Flock
9/30/2011 6:11:13 AM
Hey Stoneman,
Added your tune to my station. Great Job man! I don't really care much for that Genre, but you made this song worth listening to. The message is there and it's not "over the top" with the music and production. Good stuff.
I noticed you named off some local cities at the end. Do you reside in the Bay Area? If so, I'd like to hook up sometime just for a B.S. or jam thang. Use the artist message for contact info.

9/30/2011 6:41:12 PM
Thanks so much Chandra and Duane. I really appreciate it! Yes, I live in the East Bay in Clayton near Concord/Walnut Creek. Always blessed to hang out with other musicians. I don't think they still have the artist message here do they? At least, I could find it. Anyway, I can be reached at stoneman@stonemanavenue.com

Tom O'Brien
10/2/2011 11:27:27 AM
Hey Stoneman, That's a strong song. It's always gonna be that way when you sing from inside the way you often do. I could listen to that chorus over and over.
Clayton's a very pretty little town in the shadow of Mt. Diablo. I'm glad you're surrounded by beauty now - you've seen too much of the other side.

10/2/2011 5:28:40 PM
Thanks Tom! Yeah, Clayton is a different world from my original home turf in South Central Los Angeles. Every morning I have my prayer time by walking 4 miles on the Clayton trails. The beauty here is astounding. In the spring it is a kaleidoscope of colors. I guess that's why I am always shocked into reality when I see swastikas and N-words spattered all over a fence. But I love it here just the same. It's home now. I worked 4 decades to be able to live in a place like this. I'm thankful...........
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