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Mr. Ed
Views for this Topic: 966

4/28/2009 10:00:25 PM
Bob Elliot is a best friend of Tom O'Brien and A Musical Wonder...

4/13/2009 11:24:40 PM
Coloured Vinyl gets another VIP Testamonial !!


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Mr. Ed

4/13/2009 11:24:40 PM

Coloured Vinyl gets another VIP Testamonial !!
"Coloured Vinyl is an "animal friendly" product and I, Mr. Ed; highly recommend giving the new Coloured Vinyl CD a try."

- Mr. Ed*

*Paid Celebrity Animal Endorsement - Mr. Ed, his image, and likeness are exclusively the licensed property of "Hollywood Celebrity Talking Animals, LLC", and may not be reproduced, or transmitted in any form without the expressed written authorization of Hollywood Celebrity Talking Animals, LLC; it's partners, or affiliates. Hollywood Celebrity Talking Animals, LLC is a Cayman Island for profit entity, owned in full or in part by Mr. Ed enterprises a non-Cayman organization in no way affiliated with, or accepting of liability with regards to any claim made whether explicit or implied in any way by any endorsed product, or licensee, excepting those services contracted and paid for by said licensee of limited scope and duration and strictly limited to providing celebrity talking animal spokespersons for such organizations as deem it desirable to utilize such services in a strictly informational capacity and making no claim as to the validity or legality of any or all statements, warranties or claims provided therein. Mr.Ed also wishes to notify the States of Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Idaho of the possibility of Mr. Ed's business partners or affiliates doing business within these State's borders, and this statement serves as fulfilling Mr.Ed's legal obligation to notify those states pursuant to legislation passed there recently regarding mandatory registration/notification on behalf of certain offenders having been convicted in these states of certain sexual offendses. At no time will Mr.Ed be establishing residence, nor will his presence be required to approach withing 1000 feet of any public park, recreation facility, or school.

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4/14/2009 12:39:07 AM

Well even with your rather long legal disclaimer, we are honored to have received this fine testimonial. Now, if our inquiries to Lassie and My Friend Flicka come through, we'll be the only band in history to have achieved the animal star trifecta.

By the way, did Wilbur like our stuff?

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Mr. Ed

4/14/2009 10:18:16 PM

Well, these days Wilbur is known as Malik Al Shabbaz Mohammed,

but Mr. Shabbaz Mohammed thinks that Coloured Vinyl Rocks too,

...and says he's already ordered his copy as well, but for obvious reasons was quite understandably a bit uncomfortable about attending the release party.

He says the album makes him smile though , and also requests that his copy be autographed, and asks that you sign it: "To our good friend, Bamboo Harvester"

Thanks, Congratulations, and continued Best Wishes,
Mr. Ed

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