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Reality Check
Views for this Topic: 1853

6/12/2010 3:26:46 PM
Florida’s Attorney General Requests Obama To Waive Jones Act To Hasten Oil Spill Efforts

6/11/2010 7:14:34 AM
The Jones Act and the Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup Debacle..

6/10/2010 4:57:45 AM
Barack Obama's attacks on BP hurting British pensioners

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In health News - Scientists on the take in H1N1 Global Pandemic ruse...

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Oh Ohh, Obama lashes out at BP on Gulf visit..

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I stopped buying into things like the serenity prayer when my IQ reached 153 at around the age of 10.

5/28/2010 9:23:04 AM
17 Countries Offer Gulf Assistance, BP Accepts Only 2 Offers... Beautiful!

4/21/2010 2:43:08 PM
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4/10/2010 10:41:20 AM
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Reality Check

6/10/2010 4:57:45 AM ---- Updated 6/10/2010 5:03:02 AM

Barack Obama's attacks on BP hurting British pensioners
Proud of our President's unhinged rants anyone? Well thanks to this embarrassing abuse of power British Pretroleum had lost about 50% of it's value to date. And what could that mean to British pensioners who depend on a healthy BP share value to have the basic neccessities of life? Let's take a quick look-see..


"BP's position at the top of the London Stock Exchange and its previous reliability have made it a bedrock
of almost every pension fund in the country, meaning its value is crucial to millions of workers. The firm's dividend payments, which amount to more than £7 billion a year, account for £1 in every £6 paid out in dividends to British pension pots.

BP is so concerned about Mr Obama's power to affect share value that it has urged David Cameron to appeal to the White House on its behalf. Downing Street, however, has refused to get involved. "We need to ensure that BP is not unfairly treated – it is not some bloodless corporation," said one of Britain's top fund managers. "Hit BP and a lot of people get hit. UK pension money becomes a donation to the US government and the lawyers at the expense of Mrs Jones and other pension funds."

Mark Dampier of the financial services company Hargreaves Lansdown said: "[Mr Obama] is playing to the gallery but is not bringing a solution any closer. Obama has his boot on the throat of British pensioners. There is no point in bashing BP all the time, it's not helpful. It is a terrible situation, but having the American president on your back is not going to get it all cleared up any quicker."



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Chris Hance

6/10/2010 5:21:13 AM

Yes Gregg,
could it be payback time for blairwitch supporting the iraq crusade?

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never never band

6/10/2010 3:30:27 PM

yes, the reason BP has lost 50% of it's market share is because of Obama..

surely it has nothing to do with the fact tat they just unleashed one of the largest man made environmental disasters in history...

It's all Obamas Fault!


you want him to be quiet, but you wanthim to yell, you want him to defer to the experts in industry, but you want him to take charge and do it himself, you want less government regulation but you want the government to regulate more vigorously..HA HA HA!!

you really cont see how duplicitous you are ?


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Reality Check

6/10/2010 6:33:52 PM

The kicker DT is that Americans may suffer just as much if the good paying jobs BP provides are lost and the way our leaders are behaving in this crisis, that very well could happen. I say if any attempt is made to seize BP's assets there may be much more to this entire story than we know now..

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Reality Check

6/10/2010 7:16:25 PM

"surely it has nothing to do with the fact tat they just unleashed one of the largest man made environmental disasters in history..."


A disaster that didn't have to become one if cooler heads had prevailed. You conveniently sidestep the fact that 17 countries and 4 world organizations offered their equipment and expertise on the onset to contain this leak but the leadership needed at that critical time was obviously asleep at the switch. And no amount of demonizing British Petroleum will ever change that fact either by you or our president, end of story.

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never never band

6/10/2010 8:12:08 PM ---- Updated 6/10/2010 8:14:03 PM

the minute you step over BP you take the risk of relieving them of their liability.
Also, BP lied about the extent of the flow and hid the data and the High Def imaging until just last week.
Another criminal move on their part.

And, just what technologies do those 17 countries have?
Of course they offered aid!, Every developed nation offers aid in a situation like this, but they dont ave any majic wand, this is a unique scenario, it's not a spill, It's a volcano of oil a mile deep. surface oil is only a fraction of what is going on.

I do think we should accept all of the help we can get, obviously skimmers should have been dealing with surface oil, dispersants, which are really just about BP trying to HIDE the amount of oil there is out there are ridiculous and not helpfull, in fact they are hurtfull.
Amzingly they were told to stop using it and the came back and said NO!!!

But here's the deal, there are a LOT of forces out there who are very friendly to BP and companies like them and they could hold up litigation and liability, our damn chamber of commerce started that shit today and is taking the postiton that cleanup should fall on the tax payers (they say "the federal Government", which is the same thing as saying "tax Payers")

I think the executive wants to make sure that BP is ON THE FUCKING HOOK for this thing, even if it means siezing their assets in total. But thats a LEGAL PROCEDURE and bypassing BPs protocol would limit their liability because they can say that the FED didn't allow them to follow thier protocols.

This is the world your cronies have brought us, we have to fight tooth and nail to hold corporations accountable in a world where the deck is stacked and the judiciary is stacked and the Chamber Of Comerce is stacked and the House and Senate are stacked with pro business, anti government, anti regulation dimwits that YOU helped put in there!

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Reality Check

6/10/2010 8:24:28 PM

"This is the world your cronies have brought us, we have to fight tooth and nail to hold corporations accountable in a world where the deck is stacked and the judiciary is stacked and the Chamber Of Comerce is stacked and the House and Senate are stacked with pro business, anti government, anti regulation dimwits that YOU helped put in there!"


Why don't you complile a list of the 10 largest recipients Of BP funds over the last 20 years and see who comes in first...

Ready, Set, GO!

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never never band

6/10/2010 9:06:02 PM ---- Updated 6/10/2010 9:06:39 PM

Oh believe me I know. Obama loves that oil oney.

Like said on your first Caribou Barbie thread Obamas energy initiative is a DISASTER!

Clean Coal (no such thing)
Nuclear (seriously?)
Basically IGNORING solar and wind initives....
China is kicking our ASS on alternaive energy and clean energy initiatives, It's an embarrasment.

But I dont believe the the executive decisions on this thing are being softballed because of campaign donations.
I do think that Rahm Emanuel is a snake and has tried to control the message here, but I dont think they have tried to limit liability or softball their actions agaist BP.

I really hope not anyway.

But I admit it gives ya an uneasy feeling knowing what kind of money these corporations have poured into the politicalprocess.

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never never band

6/10/2010 9:14:32 PM ---- Updated 6/10/2010 9:16:48 PM

if yourinterested in Facts, instead of Caribou Barbies rhetoric on that oil money though, this may give you a heads up.

(lie I said bud, that girlfriend of yours LIES, break it off before she breaks your heart)]]

About those donations.....

here's the hook, in cse your too lazy to read it all.

"Without getting into whether the administration's response has been adequate, we can say that the oil and gas industry leans heavily Republican in its campaign contributions, and the 2008 presidential race was no exception. Republican candidate John McCain and his ticketmate Palin took in nearly three times the amount of money from the industry's political action committees and employees as did Obama and running mate Joe Biden: about $2.4 million compared with $890,000, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Obama, however, received about twice as much from British Petroleum's executives and PAC as McCain did: $71,051 compared with $36,649. {Even FactCheck got this wrong - Obama got NO money from the BP PAC.}""

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Chris Hance

6/11/2010 4:45:51 AM

Slightly off topic,
I had a bad fall whilst working on a BP rig offshore, I was working on a Detroit Diesel V8 powered compressor on behalf of a painting/blasting outfit,
Some other contractors(wireline co) had removed a safety handrail for their own ops,
I fell through the gap where the rail should have been,
I landed twenty five feet below on the wellhead deck,, I should have died, but a fibreglass lifejacket box broke my fall and I had blood coming out of my eyes, nose ears, and a gash on the top of my head.
I was "out of the game" and got a helicopter to hospital, concussion scrapes and bruises, they couldnt find any skull fractures heh....
Well that was a long time ago, and I thought offshore safety would have been more of a priority these days...

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Reality Check

6/11/2010 5:48:19 AM

{Even FactCheck got this wrong - Obama got NO money from the BP PAC.}


Obama fends off criticism of accepting BP employee donations in 2008


Obama biggest recipient of BP cash


Obama was top recipient of BP-related dollars in 2008


Do BP's big donations to Obama matter?


Obama Has to ‘Answer For’ Donations From BP


Obama the Top Recipient of Donations from BP



Now would you please go check yourself into the nearest mental institution?

Thank you.

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never never band

6/11/2010 10:50:19 AM

Dude, first of all, learn how to make a link...how long have you been spamming the net noW
And you still cant manage an HTML link?

But even weirder is that your links all just conform exactly what was in my last post.Yes, Obama got twice as much from BP as your Barbie doll did....but McCain and Caribou Barbie got 2 AND 1/2 TIME AS MUCH MONEY FROM OIL THAN OBAMA DID..
so your argument looks a little disingenuous.

I'm dissapointed as hell in Obamas energy initiative, I think the guy is fucking it up (third time I've said that now)

It's a little crazy to point at Democrats getting oil money for their campaigns when your own party gets over, WELL over twice as much from the same industry.


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