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6/12/2010 3:26:46 PM
Florida’s Attorney General Requests Obama To Waive Jones Act To Hasten Oil Spill Efforts

6/11/2010 7:14:34 AM
The Jones Act and the Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup Debacle..

6/10/2010 4:57:45 AM
Barack Obama's attacks on BP hurting British pensioners

6/8/2010 7:10:58 PM
Sarah Palin's latest thoughts on the oil spill crisis..

6/5/2010 11:48:29 PM
In health News - Scientists on the take in H1N1 Global Pandemic ruse...

6/4/2010 10:07:28 PM
Future President Sarah Palin on America's energy policy and Environmentalist's destroying the Enviroment..

6/4/2010 7:14:45 PM
Oh Ohh, Obama lashes out at BP on Gulf visit..

6/2/2010 12:37:16 PM
Ash Soular.., the voice of a generation.

5/31/2010 6:25:28 PM
Introducing the next President Of The United States Of America

5/28/2010 7:22:31 PM
I stopped buying into things like the serenity prayer when my IQ reached 153 at around the age of 10.

5/28/2010 9:23:04 AM
17 Countries Offer Gulf Assistance, BP Accepts Only 2 Offers... Beautiful!

4/21/2010 2:43:08 PM
Tea Party racism exposed..

4/11/2010 11:03:23 PM
Edward Koch defends the Catholic Church..

4/10/2010 10:41:20 AM
Happier days are coming..

12/23/2009 8:32:19 AM
Leftist economic reality..

11/22/2009 8:16:08 AM
Change you can believe in.. 6.4 billion given to congressional districts that don't even exist..

9/17/2009 1:36:11 AM
Need a housing loan? How about someone knocked off? This lady can help you..

8/9/2009 3:16:28 PM
'End-of-Life' Counseling Intensifies Health Care Debate

7/10/2009 2:02:45 PM
LAPD: Michael Jackson's drug history to be probed


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Reality Check

7/10/2009 2:02:45 PM

LAPD: Michael Jackson's drug history to be probed


"Detectives investigating the death of Michael Jackson are looking at his prescription drug history and trying to talk with his numerous former doctors, the Los Angeles police chief said.

Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, told ABC News in an interview that he believed "foul play" was involved in his son's death. But in the interview aired Friday on "Good Morning America," Jackson did not elaborate.

Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton told CNN that police are waiting for the coroner's report before ruling out any possibilities in their "comprehensive" investigation into the sudden death of the 50-year-old pop star two weeks ago."

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Bryon Tosoff

7/10/2009 4:32:21 PM

Lets leave this one alone for now......we all have our demons....no one is perfect

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