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Views for this Topic: 861

6/29/2010 5:34:56 PM


Basic (free) Member



6/29/2010 5:34:56 PM

I've been an IAC love for many years, admiring the music given to me, and I appreciate being able to listen to it. Now, for some reason, when I try to play my station, something else plays and I can't seem to get back to my music. Some other music plays that is really irritating. If I look for my station, I can find it, but it takes a while to figure out, but I do figure it out eventually, but every time I try to get back, I have to start over again. This is really irritating. . I would just like it the way it was. This really hurts.

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IAC Admin

6/29/2010 8:19:00 PM

Generally, Support topics are not for the Pipeline; however, what is the name of your Station?

We'll take a look, and if you would email us at IACsupporthotline@gmail.com, we'll continue the conversation there.

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9/3/2011 11:22:09 AM

Thank you so much. I figured it out and got you back! I am so happy now.

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