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11/7/2009 8:36:19 AM
Slave Love

11/1/2009 6:24:14 AM
Influence of Song


Basic (free) Member



11/1/2009 6:24:14 AM

Influence of Song
Music is an influential part of our lives. We listen to tunes on the car radio on our way to work or school. We hear it in the elevators that deliver us to our appointments. We are in tune to the melodies that tickle our ears as we shop in our favorite grocery or department stores. The question is; what has the music you listen to influenced you to do or be and have you lived up to the image that your favorite sound has created for you?

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Tom O'Brien

11/2/2009 11:50:28 AM

I was just re-listening to Stevie Wonder's "Songs in the Key of Life," and it made me remember what a positive voice in the world is capable of. Stevie's optimism and love vibration are all over that record. It reminds me to use music as a healing force, as a loving force and as a way to spread joy in the world.

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