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11/7/2009 8:36:19 AM
Slave Love

11/1/2009 6:24:14 AM
Influence of Song


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11/7/2009 8:36:19 AM

Slave Love
"Does your love speak to your flesh; eat me-beat me?" Slave Love Track...When you think of love and worship do you ever associate your feelings with obsession or possession? The Dove track Slave Love talks about how we get caught up in things and people that aren't "caught up" in us. When you step out on faith and love, or venture to start a new business, are you starting from the point of hope or wish? When you meet that someone special, is it with the hope of a long-term committment or a wish to keep his/her attention long enough to move them away from their current love interest? The music that speaks to you is associated with the life you live or the life you crave. Your obsessions and possessions are all a part of Slave Love. "Is the master you love loving you?"

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