3/29/2011 2:17:54 PM
The Joshua Band is proud to announce our new lead vocalist and long time friend, "Mark Boals", as the singer for the "Resurrection" album. Mark, a super talent, and International recording artist, has an incredible history in music, and has the perfect voice, and power for the new album. Welcome we toast this album to you. (Line up: Joshua Perahia, Guitar - Scott Warren, Keyboardist [from Dio/Heaven & Hell/Black Sabbath] - Mark Boals, Vocals - Dino Maddalone, Drums and Bryan Fleming, Bass)
Joshua FB link:
I want also thank listeners, IAC Stations and Friends for supporting and listening my songs here in IAC. What can I say?? You are just amazing!
Love you all...Hugssss
Bryon Tosoff
3/29/2011 4:20:02 PM
hey Mark ,I guess I should have said, nice hook up with the band,and having that opportunity, I knew what you were getting at, but when i said gig, i meant nice gig, ie, hooking up with the band doing the project. heh, anyways, congrats man