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Keith Monacchio
Views for this Topic: 503

7/31/2012 8:56:22 AM
Proud of my wife!!!

6/7/2012 7:24:20 PM
Not the only musician in my house...Check out Sheli Aarden-Monacchio!!

6/3/2012 2:24:50 PM
Loving IAC!!! Just got the Silver Package.. Added Two More Songs!!

5/29/2012 9:55:32 AM
All the stations on vacation??

5/23/2012 7:19:59 AM
In-active stations?

5/22/2012 6:32:19 AM
The best way to get my music to different stations?


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Keith Monacchio

7/31/2012 8:56:22 AM

Proud of my wife!!!
Excited that my wife's song, "Kansas" has hit # 1 on the Folk/AcousticRock/Americana chart!!! Nice going honey!!

Keith Monacchio

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Sheli Aarden-Monacchio

7/31/2012 3:25:56 PM

Thanks, babe!

Thank you for always being so supportive of my music.


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